Chapter 5 - Interrogation

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Hotel Room 323

Toronto, Canada

February 5th

2230 Hours

"What is SPYDER's evil plot?!" Zoe shouted at Murray for the 274th time.

"I already told you, I don't know." Murray replied. "They never tell us the plots beforehand. Anyway, is there any room-service at this hotel? I'm starving."

"Don't change the subject and act like you don't know!" Zoe said, annoyed.

"Let him be," I said. "If he does know anything, he is not going to tell, plus, I'm tired of hearing you grill him for the past half an hour."

Zoe nodded agreement and got up from her chair. I followed her out into the living room where Erica was seated on the couch with her laptop.

"Did you get anything out of him?" She asked.

"No," Zoe replied. "But I am going to talk to Ashley now, since I heard her just wake up."

Erica nodded approval and continued her research. Zoe grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me into the room we were currently using to keep Ashley Sparks in. 

Zoe burst in the door, loud enough to jolt Ashley into action. She tried to spring at us but seemed to forget she was bound to a chair with zip ties. I took a chair and placed into in front of the table, so I was directly across from Ashley. I stared at her, making an attempt to intimidate her. I failed miserably. However, Zoe came to my aid, grabbing the lamp on the table and shining it into Ashley's eyes, just like in the movies. Then, she came and sat next to me. This was followed by an agonizingly long, and uneventfully interrogation. Finally, after 20 minutes, we gave up and decided to move on. I stood up and walked out of the room, Zoe right behind me.

"That's right, you jidiots! I'm not telling you anything!!" I heard Ashley yell.

Since Warren was still unconscious, and probably didn't know anything anyway, we moved onto Jenny. Zoe was now growing even more annoyed, instead of using the handle, she kicked the door to Jenny's room open so hard it almost fell off of the hinges. She stormed into the room and slammed her fists on the table.

"Let me guess, Jen, you're going to be another useless bitch, like Ashley??"

Jenny hesitated, "I am being honest, we had direct orders to capture you, but that is all I know, I swear!"

It was notable that the other's were lying, but Jenny seemed to be telling the truth. Zoe must have picked up on this as well because she just nodded at Jenny and turned to leave. I followed her back into the living room, where she plopped into one of the armchairs with a heavy sigh. Erica, who was still seated on the couch, closed her laptop, and set it aside. She turned to Zoe expectantly.

"So, nothing out of Ashley or Jenny?" Erica asked.

"No," Zoe replied. "Ashley was useless, and all Jenny said was that she had orders to capture us. Probably to take us to some HQ and make us watch the world burn."

"Have you tried torture?" Erica asked.

"We aren't allowed to use torture. Plus, your mom would never allow it." Zoe said.

Before Erica could reply to this, as if on cue, Catherine walked in the front door. She was holding a box of take out. She set it down on the counter and ushered us over to eat. So we did. We all finished within 15 minutes.

"Alright kids, it's a bit late now," Catherine said. "I say we recap with any new information in the morning, after we are well rested."

And with that, we all split up into our separate rooms. I closed my door and clambered into bed, throwing a pencil, and nailing the light switch with it. Unfortunately, despite how tired I was, I couldn't fall asleep. I tossed and turned for hours, my brain refusing to stop thinking about what SPYDER's plot could be. None the less, 6am came and I finally passed out.

Author's Note: short chapter, I know...

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