Chapter 2 - Traveling

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CIA Jet Tarmac

Academy of Espionage

February 5th

0100 Hours

At exactly 1am, just as planned, Mike, Zoe, Erica, and I were all standing on the jet tarmac as the stairs descended from it. We all walked up into the run-down budget jet that the CIA seemed to have bought second-hand, maybe even third- or fourth-hand. It was an off-white color on the exterior and it feature 8 light green seats, all of which looked to be older than the pilot, who was in his late 60s. His name was Gregory, a nice senior man that had flown us many times before on previous missions. We all warily took seats as the jet took to the air. It was going to be approximately a 5-hour flight to London, shorter than commercial, but still long.

As everyone else, took out their laptops or phones from their bags to begin researching, I removed a blanket from mine and tried to get as much sleep as possible in the next few hours. All was good until Zoe came up next to me and shook me awake. I groaned and turned to face her.

"You're not just going to sleep the whole time, are you?" She asked.

"Actually, that was my original plan." I replied, moving my legs to Zoe could sit.

"Well fine," Zoe said, sitting down next to me. "You can go back to sleep after I update you on the current situation. There is something in Canada that Murray is after, we don't know what, but his records list a flight heading there."

"That helps a lot." I said sarcastically. "'something' is really informative."

Zoe rolled her eyes. "Whatever, there is no turning back, we are almost to London anyhow."

I checked my watch, sure enough, it was now nearly 5 in the morning. Despite the fact that it had been nearly 4 hours since takeoff, I hadn't been able to sleep for much of it. Just then, there was a flush and Mike exited the bathroom from the rear of the plane. He stopped next to us.

"Trying to steal my girlfriend, huh, Ben?" He asked jokingly.

"No," I said, playing along. "Zoe came first, maybe she still has a thing for me."

"I do not!!" Zoe countered, flushing bright red.

Mike and I snickered at this. "Back off, Ben! You have Erica, Zoe is mine!" He said, still laughing.

I stopped laughing, my smile fading into a frown. "Erica doesn't like me." I said, sadly.

"Yes, she does," Mike said. "In fact, her sister says that you are mentioned a lot."

I was about to counter this, and ask why Mike was talking to Trixie, when, as if on cue, Erica exited the cockpit. And this time, she looked even more pissed than usual.

"Have you three really been standing there wasting time??" She asked, angrily. "Ugh! Buckle up, we are about to land."

We all snapped to attention, doing as she ordered. A few minutes later, the jet had barely landed before Erica was already dragging us all out of the door. We came out onto the London tarmac, where a small sedan was waiting for us. Erica flashed her official CIA Jr. Agent badge for the driver to see, and then slid into the passenger seat. Mike, Zoe, and I crammed into the back. The car sped off onto the brick roads of England.

"Alright," Erica said to all of us. "Grandpa has just texted me confirming that Murray is headed for Toronto, Canada. We need to beat him there and scope out, just as planned."

"If Murray is heading for Canada," Zoe said. "Then why are we in England?"

"Because, we have a few pitstops to make on the way." Erica answered.

Zoe didn't bother asking any further question, as she knew Erica probably wouldn't answer them in front of the driver. Another hour or so passed, all of us simply discussing the mission. Finally, we arrived at our destination. 

It was an older brick home with a rot-iron fence surrounding it. We clambered out of the car and up the stone walkway. I was quite nervous walking up to a random house, but this was all turned around after Erica knocked on the door. We waited around 15 seconds, then it opened revealing none other than Erica's mother, Catherine Hale.

Author's Note: How was chapter 2? Let me know in the comments!

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