Chapter 7 - Outnumbered

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Hotel Room 323

Toronto, Canada

February 6th

1045 Hours

Turns out, Murray, Ashley, Warren, and Jenny had broken into our hotel room to get the jump on us. Erica leapt into action, knocking Warren out before he even knew she was there. Murray ran at me; I side stepped him causing him to crash into the wall. Before I could deal with Murray, Jenny knocked me to the ground. Erica came to my aid, pulling Jenny up off of me and slamming her face first into the wall. Ashley came with a flying cartwheel into Erica where the two of them began fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Murray re-aimed his gun at me, but I kicked it out of his hand and pinned him to the wall.

"Oh, come on, Ben." Murray said. "I thought we were friends here?"

"We were never friends," I said. "Get that fucking idea out of your head."

My words surprised me just as much as they did Murray. All of the anger and hatred I had built up for Murray over the past 2 and a half years was finally coming out. Murray tried to slip free from my grasp, but I sucker punched him in the face so hard that he collapsed, unconscious.

I turned to see that Ashley and Erica were now fighting on the balcony of the hotel. Ashley had Erica in a bad position have to fight while balancing on the railing. Ashley threw a flying kick, causing Erica to lean back dangerously far over the edge, 6 stories above the ground. My heart skipped a beat when she nearly lost her balance. An adrenaline rush came over me and I picked up Murray's gun off of the floor. I aimed it at Ashley and emptied the 6-bullet clip. 

And I hit every shot. 

Ashley went down screaming. Now safe, Erica leapt down from the railing and onto the floor. My hand was shaking from the adrenaline rush, so I dropped the gun and sank to my knees. To my own surprise, I started crying. Erica came over and sat down in front of me. She came up close to me.

"Why are you crying?" she asked.

"Because this whole mission is a failure" I said. "The entire team is hurt, I almost lost you just now, and I am really just tired. Mentally and physically."

"None of that is your fault," Erica said. "SPYDER is the one that has put us in this situation. Anyway, let's get out of here before unexpected backup comes."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and let Erica take my hand and lead me out of the hotel room. Once we were far from the hotel, safely in a park, we began to brainstorm ideas. Finally, Erica spoke up.

"Ok, I have a plan." Erica said.

"Does it involve me getting hurt?" I asked.

"Not intentionally, but I can't guarantee anything." She replied. "This way we can get our friends back, alive. So, we know where SPYDER's headquarters is, so we will infiltrate tonight at 0000 hours."

I nodded understanding.

"Although it's hardly past 1100 hours we should probably get some rest for early morning infiltration."

Through the next 30 minutes, Erica got us another hotel room far from the last. Because of the currency difference and the fact that Catherine was gone, even combined, we were short on money and only had enough for a one bed room. We took the elevator up to the 3rd floor and laid our bags down on the floor.

"I suppose we will sleep from now until 2300," Erica said.

"Alright, that works as long as I can actually sleep." I said.

Erica climbed into the bed, and I followed.

"Goodnight, I guess, even though it is 11:45am." Erica said.

Then, she kissed me, immediately making this the best day ever. And on top of that, she cuddled with me in the bed. Somehow, even with lip gloss from the prettiest girl I'd ever met on my face and Erica herself sleeping soundly beneath my arm, I still didn't get very good sleep.

Author's Note: Yes I added #berica cuddle time :)

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