"Alright, another set" Coach Magath said.
Gabi and Kaya groaned, and got on the baseline of the basketball court.
Magath blew his whistle, and they started on what felt like their 100th set of suicides.
Part of their punishment was during team practices, while the team ran drills and such, Gabi and Kaya were conditioning.
On top of being exhausted, Gabi hated feeling like she kind of owed Kaya.
Magath had been ready to kick her off the team, and recommend her for suspension. But came in with the buzzer beater.
So now they were facing the consequences of their fight together.
Magath had been clever. Instead of the 2 weeks of lunch detention, sitting in silence. The girl were told they're were now "team buddies". For those 2 weeks they had to eat lunch together at a table by themselves, sit together on the bus for away games, and were responsible for collecting the practice jerseys, cones, and basketballs after ever practice.
At the end of each practice they had to tell Magath something they learned about the other during their 2 weeks of specialized lunch dentition.
Much to the relief of Gabi's legs and lungs Magath called practice. The team huddled up to talk about their first game, which based on school policy, Gabi and Kaya would both be benched for.
After Gabi and Kaya had collected cones and basketballs, Magath called them over. The other girls were gathering their stuff and heading outside to their parents.
"So we are at day 3, Kaya what's something you learned about Gabi?"
"Uh, her cousin Reiner plays football and baseball for the high school." Kaya said.
"And you Gabi?"
"Kaya's really likes bananas, she has one in her lunch all the time" Gabi said flatly.
Magath smiled. "Good, I can't wait to hear what you two will talk about tomorrow on the bus to Dauper Middle"
The two girls left the gym, exhausted.
"So how did you come up with this punishment me?" The assistant coach asked.
"Big fan of the parent trap movie" he said with a laugh. "Plus I think those two could be good friends"
"I swear Magath is trying to kill me"
Kaya groaned laying on Sasha's bed."If you think that's hard wait until high school basketball, Coach Shadis can be pure evil sometimes" Sasha said, trying to find a cute snap chat filter to send to Connie.
"I don't know what's worse the conditioning or being Gabi's 'lunch buddy and team buddy' it's not like we have deep conversation"
"Well have you tried?" Sasha asked, deciding on the puppy dog filter.
"Whose side are you on?"
"Look you two may have more in common than you think" Sasha said.
"It's not like she's made an effort either" Kaya rolled her eyes.
"Kaya why did you even vouch for her anyways? If you hate her as much as you say you do, wouldn't her getting kicked off the team be a win for you?"
Kaya sat up. To be honest she hadn't really given much thought to what compelled her to turn around that night.
"I guess...when I heard mom and dad talking about Gabi's dad...I felt bad for her, based on tryouts and practice, basketball is an escape for her...felt like something you would do"
Sasha smiled warmly at her. "That shows you have a kind heart"
"I guess so, or maybe I'm an idiot"
"Have you ever ask Gabi why she made you a target, someone she barely knows? Seems like this would be the perfect opportunity to find out."
Reiner watched with smug satisfaction as Gabi was having to wash the dishes by hand. Part of her punishment at home.
"Don't you have somewhere else to be, or a girlfriend to call...oh wait you don't have one" Gabi said glaring at Reiner.
"Don't get mad at me because you just had to rage out"
"She shoved me first!"
"Yeah after popping her in the mouth with your elbow" Reiner said. "Admit it you kinda had it coming, apparently you've been tormenting this girl for like 3 months"
"How would you know?"
"Uh her sister tutors me in biology, plus I'm friends with Colt. His brother says you've been picking on this girl and he doesn't know why."
Gabi felt her face flush at the mention of Falco. Her heart picked up pace.
"Looking a bit red in the face Gabi" he teased.
"Oh shut up" she snapped back.
"But in all seriousness what do you have against this girl. You act like she stole your boyfriend or something."
Gabi stayed silent.
"Holy sh*t she did, or something like that!" Reiner felt like Sherlock Holmes. "Come on tell me what happened?"
"I can't" Gabi said quietly.
"I'm not gonna tell Colt or Falco"
"How did you know it was Falco?" Gabi blurted out without thinking.
"I didn't but you just gave me my answer" Reiner said smiling.
"Look, second week of school I just noticed how much attention Falco gives her, and she definitely flirts with him"
"How do you know she's not just being friendly?" Reiner asked.
"How do you know she's not trying to steal him from me?" Gabi snapped, feeling a lump in her throat. "Plus she's Miss Perfect, good grades, teachers pet, big house, perfect family"
"So your jealousy of her. That's not very fair. That's like me hating Bertholdt because he has a dad that stuck around and is rich. You can have good grades too if you just actually studied. Plus her life isn't as perfect as it looks. You do know that the Blaus' aren't her real parents. Her parents died when she was like 7 or something"
"I heard rumors but I..I didn't know they were true"
"Yeah, killed in a car accident, she still is trying to cope with it according to Sasha"
Gabi stood silently scrubbing a pan.
"At least you still have your mom here" Reiner stood up and stretched. "Who knows maybe if you were nicer to people you might get Falco's attention"
Kaya sat nervously, waiting on Gabi to join her at lunch. She stared at the PB&J that he mom made her, but she wasn't hungry.
Kaya's stare off with her sandwich was interrupted but Gabi plopping down in the chair next to her.
Gabi seemed nervous too.
They both opened their mouths to speak.
"Are you really adopted?"
"Why do you hate me so much?"
The girls stared at each other. Worried that they just opened Pandora's box.

Attack on Titan Short Stories
FanficJust a random collections of shorts stories in universe, modern AU, post manga, etc Ships featured: Levi x Hange Sasha x Connie Mike x Nanaba Petra x Oluo Eld x Frieda Reiner x Bertholdt Bertholdt x Annie Hitch x Marlow Eren x Mikasa Hanna x Fr...