"Are you really adopted?"
As soon as the words left her mouth Gabi instantly regretted it. That's not what she wanted to ask Kaya. She wanted to know if she like Falco.
"Why do you care?" Kaya said flatly.
"I've just heard that you lost your parents and I thought you might be I dunno lying or something"
"Why would I lie about that?" Kaya asked incredulously.
"I dunno attention...to get sympathy from a boy"
"Gabi you're a moron. Did you not notice that I'm the only blue eyed blonde in a family of brown haired brown eyed people, or that most of my family is tall and I'm short"
Gabi glared at Kaya. "I'm not a moron."
"You are for coming to that conclusion"
Gabi's expression softened a bit. "So your parents are actually dead?"
Kaya looked down. "Yeah, the died when I was about seven so...I know how you feel. Losing a parent is hard, and I still sometimes cry about them. I miss them a lot. You know it's ok to be angry at the situation, but I don't think it's very fair to take out your anger on me and my friends."
Gabi sat silently, it was weird to see Kaya look so sad, so vulnerable.
"Was I just adding on to her misery..." Gabi thought.
"So if you ever want to talk to someone who has been through it you can talk to me."
Gabi was stunned by Kaya's kindness.
"So I answered your question, now answer mine. Why do you hate me? It's obvious you barely know me."
Gabi looked around, she saw Falco siting with his friends, laughing and joking.
"I...just...I wish Falco wouldn't pay so much attention to you!!" Gabi blurted out.
"Huh? What's Falco got to do with anything?"
"I see you two. He's so nice to you. You guys laughing and stuff, 2nd week of school you guys were just spending so much time together at school...probably text all the time too" Gabi said in an dull tone.
"We don't really talk much outside of school, just the occasional homework questions and such, plus I don't wanna be his girlfriend, I don't really like Falco in that way." Kaya said biting into a carrot stick.
"You don't have a crush on Falco?"
Kaya shook her head. "And even if he had a crush on me, which trust me he doesn't, it's not ok to be a b*tch to the girl he likes. That's not being a very good friend ya know."
Gabi narrowed her eyes. "How do you know he doesn't like you?"
"Because he told me who he did like" Kaya said matter of factly.
Gabi perked up. "Who? If you tell me I'll leave you alone"
"I'm not going to tell you if you are going to just start tormenting someone else for no reason, although that might be fun to watch" Kaya said with a smirk.
"Well look at Miss Perfect. I thought bullying was bad"
"Well it would be fun because it's you" Kaya said.
"Huh? Me?"
Kaya nodded. "But you have to keep it quite"
Gabi's heart was pounding in her chest. "Falco actually likes me. Like he has a crust on me" she thought.
"So if he has a crush on me, then why hasn't he said anything to me?" Gabi asked.
"Well...he doesn't like this whole mean girl thing you got going on, especially to me since you don't event know me"
"Mean girl thing?"
"Gabi you aren't the easiest person to get along with. Apparently last year you were kind of a bully too, but it got worse this year." Kaya stopped for a moment.
"But I can understand that you're going through a lot. That's why I came back to Coach Magath's room. When I heard my parents talking about your dad, and seeing how much basketball means to you, I just didn't think it was fair that I was going to get off easier than you"
Gabi let out a sigh, "I guess I do owe you one."
"Then how about cutting me some slack, School is hard enough as it is" Kaya said quietly. "Plus it's causing my sister to worry. She had a hard time in middle school and she doesn't want me to go through the same thing. It's one of the reasons we moved, so she would end up in high school with those people."
Gabi sat back in her chair, then looked at Falco again.
"Kaya...I'm sorry"
Kaya paused mid-chew.
"I mean it...even Reiner says I might make more friends if I was a bit nice to people"
"It's definitely worth a shot" Kaya said. "How about we start over then"
She stuck out her hand.
"Hi I'm Kaya Blaus, I'm new here"
Gabi looked at her puzzled for a moment. Then shook her hand.
"I'm Gabi Braun, nice to meet you."
**************4 weeks later*************
They Libero Middle girls basketball team was in a tough match against Shiganshina Middle.
Time was ticking away in the 4th quarter. The score Libero 40 Shiganshina 42.
Kaya got a steal and was dribbling down the court.
"We've got 15 seconds left. I can hope to get fouled to tie or..."
She took the ball like she was about the take the lay up. But instead of shooting she passed the ball to Gabi who was as on the 3 point line.
"Shooting it Gabi you can do it!!" Kaya cried out.
Gabi let the ball fly, and it swished into the net.
Gabi and Kaya high-fived as they made their way back down to play defense.
The girl dribbled the ball down with speed.
"Gabi double team!"
The pair with hands up guarded the girl. As the time was running out she desperately made a pass, but it went right into the hands of a Libero player as the buzzer sounded.
Kaya and Gabi hugged each other. Since that day at lunch the two had been an unstoppable pair on the basketball court, and were finding that they had a lot in common.
Gabi smiled as she heard Falco cheering her name. According to Kaya he was going to ask her to the winter dance.
Kaya was also learning to be more assertive, and found a new confidence in herself that Gabi helped her find.
After the game, as the boys team was warming up to play. Magath looked over to see Gabi and Kaya sitting next to each other on the bleachers with the girls team. Four weeks ago they both would have had sour looks on their faces.
Now they were laughing together, and taking selfies on Kaya's phone.
Magath couldn't help but smile.
"They make quite a pair don't they" his assistant coach said.
"Can't argue with ya on that one"

Attack on Titan Short Stories
Fiksi PenggemarJust a random collections of shorts stories in universe, modern AU, post manga, etc Ships featured: Levi x Hange Sasha x Connie Mike x Nanaba Petra x Oluo Eld x Frieda Reiner x Bertholdt Bertholdt x Annie Hitch x Marlow Eren x Mikasa Hanna x Fr...