The Number (Reiner x Bertholdt)

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Living in a midsized town had its perks, but it also had its downsides.

Reiner had learned that growing up in Libero, Texas. While not as backwards as some other parts of the state, the people here were definitely more on the "traditional values" side of things.

Reiner remembered several kids in his elementary school had been told not to be his friend because he didn't have a "daddy".

Reiner's father had left them when he was 2. Moved to across town.

He eventually started a new family, when Reiner was about 10. It was like a slap in the face to him.

As Reiner grew up, he knew that the more wealthier kids looked down on him. Single mom, working class. Led to him getting into trouble.

That changed when he was in 3rd grade when he the Hoovers moved to town. He could already tell that he was gonna fit in well with the rich kids. Reiner didn't know if it was fate or not but the two had been assigned as reading buddies.

As Reiner and Bertholdt grew closer, Reiner felt new and strange emotions creep up.

While the boys in his class were starting to become obsessed with girls, Reiner started noticing the boys in his class.

Again Reiner knew better than to say anything. This town liked to gossip.

By 8th grade Reiner started to notice something else. It was subtle at first but the feelings started growing stronger.

Again, he kept quite. Figuring he would just wait it out until after high school. When he could get away from this chatty town.

They high and might of Libero would have a field day, Reiner the gay son of a single mother. But hey at least the were almost middle class now.


At age 16, only 6 people in Liberio knew Reiner was gay; his mom,  Bertholdt's parents, Reiner's grandmother...and Bertholdt.

The two had been together since the start of 10th grade. As Reiner had been coming to terms with like boys, Bertholdt had been coming to the realization that he like guys and girls, and that he really liked Reiner.

It was not basketball season. A very popular event at Liberio. There was a tradition that every home game, girls would paint their faces with the number of a player on the boy's basketball. It was a way at showing who liked who.

Bertholdt and Reiner had agreed that they didn't want to be public. They knew what their town was like, what their school was like. It wasn't very LBGTQ+ friendly.

They both felt a pang of sadness when school events came up. The homecoming dance, wearing your favorite football players number, prom, etc.

But the pair had found other ways to spend time together and they were ok with that until graduation.

The gym was loud. The squeaky shoes, the cheerleaders, the student section yelling.

Reiner was enjoying the game with his friends, as they all were decked out in holiday attire for the theme of the night.

It was a tight match up and it was coming down to the wire. The other team scored putting them ahead. Liberio made their way down the court. As the time was running out, they passed it around.


Porco looked up and saw Bertholdt in the corn, open.

Bertholdt won the game of a last minute 3 pointer.

Reiner sat on Bertholdt's bed as he showered.

Since they started dating Reiner always got butterflies in his stomach when he was in Bertholdt's room. They had gone very far physically, but it was still exciting to be alone with him.

Reiner gently bit his lip. Thinking about how cute his boyfriend looked when he played basketball, his mind drifting to thinking about Bertholdt in the shower.

"What's got your face all red?" Bertholdt said coming out of his bathroom. "Thinking dirty thoughts?" He said laughing.

Reiner shrugged. " are my boyfriend"

Bertholdt smiled and rolled his eyes.

"You know you can take off your Santa costume now. I'm not into the whole 'sexy Santa' thing"

"Well I wanted to wait until you were out of the shower...kinda wanna show you something" Reiner said standing up.

He slowly unbuttoned the costume. Underneath he was wearing a white t-shirt, with the number 18 written on it in black sharpie.

Bertholdt felt his face grow warm and his heart flutter.


"Your number, I know I can't wear it with people seeing but I want you to know I will be wearing it every home game" Reiner smiled warmly.

"Have you been doing this since the first game?"

"Well at first I tried paint but I would just sweat it off, so Annie gave me the idea for the shirt"

Bertholdt immediately pulled Reiner into a warm hug.

"I love it" Bertholdt mumbled into Reiners shoulder.

Reiner pulled a bit away from Bertholdt, their eyes met, and they both laughed softly.

Reiner leaned in and kissed Bertholdt. Bertholdt pulled Reiner closer, let a hand go through his blonde hair.

Next thing they both knew they were laying on Bertholdt's bed, the numbered shirt on the floor.


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