"Hi My Name is..." (Reiner x Bertholdt) part 3

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TW: Mentions of war, mental illness, amputations

"Well I think this was just a mix of anxiety and built up stress for both of us, I'm in school right now, studying to be a vet tech, plus working part time at the bookshop downtown, the one owned by Dr. Hange's husband".

"Yeah I've been in there. Spilled my coffee in there, thought the owner was going to kill me" Eren shuddered.

"My mom, my boyfriend, and a vet friend of mine have been pushing this support group on me for the past few months, it's for vets and their spouses, it's LBGTQ friendly which is nice, but I already go to therapy so I don't see why I need to go"

"Do you think therapy is enough?" Eren asked.

"I think, thought I still have night terrors and panic attacks, I hate the 4th of July, try to hide that I was in the Marines. You know I tell strangers that I lost my leg in a car accident."

"I understand, I made my mom take off her 'Army Mom' car magnet, told my future in-laws to not buy Mikasa any of those "Army Girlfriend shirts and stuff. I just wanna forget" Eren said quietly. "So I understand, and I'm grateful Mikasa understands. But it wasn't always that easy."

Reiner took a sip of his coffee. "Did you guys ever have a massive fight like this?"

"Of course, about 3 weeks after we got engaged. Mikasa was angry I skipped a therapy appointment, she didn't understand that I just physically didn't have the energy to talk about anything. I'm not great at expressing my feelings, and it just went from 0-60 fast. She went and stayed with Sasha for the night."

"I stormed out of the house...I didn't want to say anything else I was going to regret" Reiner said, looking at his feet.

"You made the right call, the space was good. The next day we both were much calmer, and not exhausted from work to actually talk. Sometimes, our partners want to help us so badly that they end up being more of a hindrance. It sounds like that's what your guy is trying to do"

"I'm just such a f*cking idiot, it may not have been in a war zone, but he's seen his fair share of trauma." Reiner paused. "It didn't help that he had a rough shift today"

"Can I ask you a question?"

Eren took another sip from his water bottle, "mmhm"

"Have you and Mikasa been to a therapist together or a support group?"

"Yeah, both of them. We had been in a support group before the fight, but she started to come to some therapy sessions with me. Best decision we made. It really helped her understand what I was trying to process, and how she could actually help me. It also helped me learn some more patience, realize that I'm not the only one who has serious issues, vet or not. We still go to therapy together, and we've made some good friends in the support group. Mikasa has met other partner of vets and it gives her someone to connect with."

Eren put a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok to ask for help. That took me a long time to learn, but it's such a freeing feeling when you do"

Reiner thought back to Bertholdt. His voice echoing in his brain.

"It would help me too, I just want to understand"

Eren looked at his watch. "Breaks almost over, but let's swap numbers and we can meet for lunch or something. Mikasa and I are always looking for more couple friends."

Reiner pulled out his phone. Seeing he had missed calls from Bertholdt, and a text.

He unlocked his phone.

"Reiner I know you need space, but just know I love you and I'm sorry. Please be safe"

Reiner swallowed the lump in his throat. He have his phone to Eren.

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