Chapter 4: Through the Forest

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I stood Akira at my side looking like she had just let her bow fall into an abyss of webs or spikes, or trees, or something.

Standing in front of us was a ferocious female wolf and her pups.

"God Damn It Shadow!" I yelled and leapt climbing into a purple tree followed by then.

"Why don't we kill it, it's a free dinner." Akira said jokingly.

"Please... no" I said."it's just a dog guys, a dog with pups. We go around." Shadow said. Duffy took a pouch off her belt and poured a mound of white dust into her hand then sprinkled the dust into her mouth then gulped it down.

"Duffgar" she said with an evil grin and climbed higher. "Great, now we don't only have deadly beasts in the forest but we have a sugar high Duffy" Shadow said and climbed up higher after Duffy and Akira followed, next was me taking up the rear again.

We made it half way through the forest by tree jumping.

Until we came to the Land of No Trees. Along time ago before any of my friends were born, humans and dwarves had come through our elvern lands and worked together chopping down the trees. The wood in the Mystic Forest were special.

Since the wood was exposed to the son, trees, bushes, grass, dirt..etc all of it, animals too, mutated with it.

Ever since then, this has been the Mystic Woods.

"I think I found away through the... uh..ah!" I heard Shadow then a thump on the ground further below. Then I heard the squeak of a Duffy and another thump far below. I watched Akira slide forward and leapt down landing with a thump.

I sighed. I scooted forward and put my sword away.

I gripped a thin branch and swung off it landing on my feet neatly "Show off" Akira said and I smirked. "I am?" I said with a laugh. Shadow and Duffy giggled quietly then broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Great. Two sugar high" I said and motioned with my hands at them.

Akira grinned "At least they'll bug each other and not us" she said.

Tyler's POV

I looked around the clearing of a forest. Sly and Fizz weren't far behind, they held swords and had scratched and bruises all over them. "Remember Roman?" Sly said. Tyler nodded.

"He told me he's making dinner at home" Fizz said. I chuckled and looked at them.

"Roman and dinner means no dinner coming out it, that's why we're out here, not just to loot but to hunt and PvP." I said.

"That not Shadow left for us was kind of abrupt, shouldn't we go after them?" Sly asked.

"Sly, just because Akira is your... girlfriend I guess dosent mean she can't take care of herself. Besides she has the others with her." I said.

"Tyler read the note out loud this time" Fizz said.

I sighed and pulled out a folded piece of paper out of my pocket and unfolded it. I looked at the paper and began to read it.

"Dear Tyler, Sly, Fizz, and Roman,
We have left on a journey to the Mystic Forest, we will be back soon, we are just here to pick up some crafting supplies for Akira and brewing supplies for Pug, they don't know it but the Mystic Forest is a powerful place.
Duffy is bringing a pouch of sugar if your wondering where that went.
Don't worry about us, we will be fine, but if we're not back by tomorrow night, please search on the out skirts of Mystic Forest, we're leaving our horses outside the forest.

Your friends,
Shadow, Pug, Akira, and Duffy."

I ended the leader after they had signed it. Sly sighed." If its dangerou-" he started I stopped him and said. " For the last time. Akira. Can. Take. Care. Of. Her. Self." I said spelling it out. Sly looked at me and sighed then started walked on for loot. Me and Fizzy soon followed.

Mystical Forest of The Forgotten Woods | Book One (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now