Chapter 5

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very short chapter. and mostly it will be Isabella's and victors POV if you want someone else's write in the chat, I will do it. 

Victor's pov

I was sitting quietly for the 8-hour flight, lost in my thoughts about the past and my sister who was kidnapped by our mother. We had spent years searching for her, but it seemed like she had vanished along with our sister. Dad died of grief because he loved our mother greatly, but it seemed that woman who did not deserve to be called our mother had never loved him. She had run away with her lover and caused great shame to the entire family and the Cosa Nostra. After my mother left and my father died of grief, my brothers and I were brought up by our uncles and aunts until I turned 18 and took custody of my brothers.

"Don't," says Leonardo, my brother. He was only 3 years younger than me but was as mature as me. I look up with my calm, emotionless face.

"Don't think about the past?" he says. "Whatever had to happen happened, but let's think about the future."

I nod in understanding. At times, it was useless to argue with them. I take out my laptop and start working, and Leonardo starts going through files.

"You are scared," he comments after a few minutes. He could read me just like an open book. It was irritating sometimes. After all, he understood me the most after Grandpa.

"Aren't you?" I ask him after a moment's silence.

"No, I am worried, maybe even scared," he said, surprising me. Why scared out of all emotions? He was the best out of all of us when it came to emotions. He always loved everyone. He had the power of forgiveness, something the others in the family weren't blessed with. He could forgive anyone for anything. Even though he was in the Italian mafia, he detested violence. While I turned to violence to protect our brothers, he preferred to forgive the person and console our brothers. He and I were the same in many ways yet so different.

"I am scared. Will she hate us? Will she even remember us, or would Mom have told her about us? Does she even want to meet us? We know nothing about her, what she likes, what she hates, what are her fears. Will she even accept us?" he sighs. Even I was scared about all of this, but well, we could only find out when we meet her and talk to her.

"Don't worry, we will deal with whatever happens. After all, she is our sister," I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it attempting to comfort him.

As the plane landed, we were both filled with a sense of trepidation and excitement. We were finally going to meet our sister after all these years. We hoped that she would accept us with open arms and that we could finally be a family again. But we also knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges and obstacles that we had to overcome together.


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