chapter 18

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I am not dead, actually guys I am not dead. Don't kill me yet I am too young to die. my sincere apologies for not updating guys.  

also, I wish to edit this book slightly, so I will be taking my sweet own time to update. sorry in advance guys.

Isabela's POV:

Romeo called my name, jerking me out of my reverie.

"What? I asked furiously.

"For the third time, I've been calling your name. Are you okay?" Romeo queries anxiously.

"Of course, I am," I said, lying. Romeo looked at me sceptically, sensing that something was amiss. "You don't look okay," he said, his voice laced with concern.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "I'm fine, Romeo," I said, my voice trembling slightly. "Just a little distracted." 

Once I realised my brothers were in charge of the Italian Mafia, I knew I was not in good shape. I almost experienced a panic attack. 


Oh god, This is not conceivable, by any means. Oh heavens!

With my hands encircling my knees and resting against the closed door, I was sobbing quietly. My brothers were outside knocking, but I was unwilling to speak with them at that moment. not until I composed myself and decided what to do.

I didn't pick up any of Sandy's calls, despite the fact that she phoned me approximately 100 times, from the moment I learned who my brothers were until my phone started ringing once more. I suppose I better answer it before she calls the whole gang.

I groan and take the call. I started talking as soon as I picked up the phone.

"Sandy, yes I'm fine, don't worry."

" FINE? What happened to you?" said my elder adoptive brother Louis, the youngest son of the French mafia boss, in a grating yet sympathetic voice. I first met him when I rescued his life from the Bratva. Damn! I avoided looking at the caller ID. I groaned under my breath and hung up right away.

I entered the shower, washed my face with soap and water, and carefully knotted my long, wavy hair back. I had to display myself well in front of my brothers. After hearing the phone ring once again, I picked it up since I knew Louis had called.

I picked up the phone and said in a lovely, syrupy voice, "Louis, my beloved brother, how are you?

"Sandy told me every single thing,". I scream "traitor" at Sandy in the back of my mind.

I noticed you sobbing; there's no need to hide it; crying will make you feel better."

I respond with a smile, "I'm fine, don't worry, what might happen to this sister of yours?"

Louis responds anxiously, "Considering your brother's identity and our relationship, we need to meet immediately."

"Yes, let's meet tomorrow after my school, and don't forget to dress in all black."

Louis queries with amazement, "Why?"

"I'm going to claim that you are a former classmate who came to ask me to a funeral."

"got it, also you need to come to Piedmont,"

" why ?"

With cynicism oozing from his lips, he responds, "Because I want to propose to you."

"Obviously, there is an issue in the legal business. "

" What issue? And how do you know Alex manages my legal businesses since I last remembered?

"Alex informed me because you weren't returning his calls and there's a problem with the financial transfer records between our clubs,"

" ok, bye"


When I heard Romeo and Giovanni yelling at each other, my thoughts were interrupted. They both stopped fighting as soon as Leonardo intervened. I put my spoon away and turned to face Victor, who was observing me with interest.

Victor was looking at me, so I say, "We need to talk." You'd never be able to comprehend a thing about him.

In the midst of my other brothers exchanging glances, Victor nods before getting up and heading to his office.

Victor's office interior:

"You wanted to talk?" Victor queries. His expression conveyed something that I was unable to interpret.

I tell him, "I want to go to Piedmont with a friend who will be in New York today."

He was astonished when I told him that. "Piedmont? The place where your mother and you resided? He asks inquisitively.

" yes"

"Which friend?" he inquires sharply this time.

"A boy by the name of Louis. I am familiar with him since I helped him."

"Why do you wish to travel?"

I ask, weary of his never-ending questioning, "Why do I think this is an interrogation?"

"Your safety is my utmost priority, dear sister," he responds.

I sigh yet still respond to him. "Our friend is dead, I need to go to his funeral, that's also why I locked myself in the room yesterday," I confidently state.

Victor commanded, "I'd like to come with you; otherwise, you might not go, and I want to meet your friend."

"Fine, not a problem" I concur, if necessary, I'll slink away.


 guys Victor and Leonardo's talk will come next 

after that, I will start editing the chapters which will take some time.

 Bye for now.

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