Chapter 28

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ok so I just vanished for so many days I get it and after this chapter, I will vanish again as exams are a curse. I feel like the living dead. so sorry let us ignore the fact that I didn't even check this book out for 10 days or something. this will be my last update for this month (probably) I am still not done with exams. long chapter to make up for my absence.

Isabella's pov:

 How dare he I will deal with him right now. what I can't understand is Maximo who has been nothing but a jerk to me suddenly turned so overprotective of me. the day I understand this family will be the day the sun rises in the west. I will find out about his problem later let me deal with that insolent boy first.

"do I know you?" I ask the boy who was smiling like a jerk I wanted to slap him so hard that he would end up falling at my feet.

"of course not but we can get to know each other baby," he said with a smirk.

"Sure we can," I say slightly removing my jacket, revealing the lower part of my pistol Beretta 92. "do you want to now?" I ask with a cruel smile. 

"W..what?, of course not you are like my sister, my younger sister," he says nervously standing up with his friends. "consider me your brother," he says fearfully almost running away in his fear.

As I return to the table my brothers look suspiciously at me.  

" What did you say to the boy that he looked like he was going to piss in his pants?" asks Leonardo doubtfully.

"oh nothing important," I said uninterestedly.

"well, can we leave now?" I ask feeling uncomfortable with Victor's stare. he was staring at me as though I were a puzzle he was not able to solve. well, I was trained by the Bratva. they all stand and pick up my bags even before I could touch them.

"what are we there for cissy?" asks Romeo with a smile.

"to irritate me" I mutter under my breath taking care that they do not hear me but as usual I underestimated Victor.

"Isn't that a brother's duty? he asks

I kept quiet as I had no wish to insult my eldest brother in public. 

the ride back was completely silent other than Romeo and Giovanni arguing about whether homework is necessary or not. As soon as we reached I jumped out making a beeline for my room but was stopped by Leonardo.  the atmosphere in the car is tense and uncomfortable. My brothers are mostly silent, lost in their own thoughts, while I steal glances at, who is staring out of the window with a blank expression on her face.

I can't help but wonder what's going through her mind. She's still an enigma to me, and I'm not sure if I'll ever truly understand her. But I know that I want to try.

"What?" why couldn't they just leave me alone? why?

"Maximo will take these things to your room"

"Why the fucking hell should I do it?"

"I am capable of doing it myself" 

"it was not a request Max do it," said Victor in a tone that caused Maximo to pick up the bags and march up to my room. I sigh and follow him upstairs.

"do you want anything else?" he snaps at me in anger. 

"what problem do you have against me from the first day I came here you hated me what did I do to you? I genuinely want to know" I ask sincerely. I was sick and tired of his attitude towards me. 

"my problem?" he scoffed. "you want to know my problem? then hear it you were away from us for so many years and now you suddenly come into our lives again. why did mom take you away? why did you get to spend so much time with her? because of you dad died of grief, and because of you victor was forced to handle the family business and becomes our guardian at a young age. you just destroyed our family and now you come waltzing back into our lives and ask me what's wrong? not to mention you don't care about us and you are so cold and closed of for no fucking reason. why are you even still here?" he bursts out in anger. a few tears rolled down his cheeks after his outburst and on the other hand, I was angry and shocked. how dare he say that our dad who I don't even remember dies because of me. how dare he accuse me of things I am not even responsible for? there is a limit to everything in the world, especially my patience. 

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