chapter 11

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This is going to be lighthearted there is not going to be any murder, this is just going to be a simple scene of a relationship between a sister and brother and the cute banter between them, the next chapter is going to be a little more serious. Let's start :

Isabella's POV: 

As I stepped out of the house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. I had been living with my brothers for a week now, and while things had gone relatively smoothly, there were still some issues that needed to be addressed.

Maximo had been acting out for no apparent reason, and Giovanni and Romeo had been forcing me to watch terrible movies every day. It was all starting to wear on me.

And then there was Victor. He had been distant lately, preoccupied with work and other matters. We had barely spoken since the last family dinner, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. Leonardo had been really busy at work.

There are plenty of worthwhile ways to make the most of your day, but Victor commanded me to go shopping today, so I had to do it. But despite all of this, I knew that I had to make the most of my day.

An hour later, while driving:

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The atmosphere was tense, and there was an uncomfortable silence that hung in the air.

Maximo, Romano, and Giovanni were all there, but no one spoke. We were all lost in our own thoughts, our own worries and fears.

As the car pulled out onto the road, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. The half-hour journey stretched out before us, and I knew that it was going to be a long and difficult ride.

"perché Victor ha portato a casa questa puttana?" shouts Maximo in a furious and hateful tone. (Why did Victor bring this whore home?)

"cosa diavolo è nostra sorella max. come puoi parlare così davanti a lei e se lei capisse?"( what on earth she is our sister Max? how can you talk like that in front of her what if she understands?) Giovanni looks at me with concern, "How can you talk like that in front of her what if she understands? "

In order to hear the rest of their talk, I pretend not to understand Italian.

"lei non è mia sorella lei è tua per me lei è solo una povera ragazza orfana no una puttana un giorno farà a pezzi la nostra famiglia, ricorda le mie parole." (She is not my sister; rather, she belongs to you. She is simply a poor orphan girl, and no, she is a bitch. She will one day split our family apart.)

Romano says abruptly yet forcefully, "abbastanza" ( Enough.) We've arrived, sister, hurry up, says Romano, turning to face me. I nod and exit the vehicle.


I used Google Translate, sorry if it is not correct. a small situation is going to take place at the mall. 

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