chapter 16

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ah! The fight scene 

Isabella's pov:

As I prepared for the fight with Maximo, my heart was pounding with anticipation. He had insulted me, questioning my abilities and my strength. But I was a well-known assassin, a gang leader, and Liam Martin's adopted daughter. I knew I was superior to him, and I was determined to prove it.

I quickly changed into a comfortable outfit and descended to where my brothers were waiting for me, their eyes fixed on me with a mixture of concern and pride. Like me, Maximo was dressed in comfortable attire, but I knew I wouldn't be lenient with him. I couldn't let his insults go unanswered.

"I'm ready," I declared, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Romeo spoke up, "I will take you to the arena," and I followed him, my mind focused on the upcoming fight.

As we made our way to the arena, I could feel my heart pounding faster with each step. I knew this fight would be a test of my skills and my strength, and I was determined to come out on top.

Once we arrived, I assumed a fighting stance and took a deep breath. Maximo laughed and said, "Don't worry little sister, I will go easy on you."

I felt a flash of anger at his condescending tone. I was not someone to be underestimated. "We will see," I replied, my tone cold and determined.

The fight began, and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I dodged and weaved through Maximo's attacks. He swung his arm in a roundhouse punch, but I dodged and dove under his arm, feeling a sense of satisfaction as I evaded his attack.

We moved locations, and he attacked me again. I could feel my breath coming faster now as the fight intensified, and I knew that I needed to stay focused if I was going to win.

I taunted him, "Ooh what a pussy," and he attacked me once more without pausing. I turned beneath his arm and rammed an elbow into his side, feeling a sense of satisfaction as I heard the sound of his grunt of pain.

He came straight back at me, but I planted an elbow in his face this time. He hit me with his left hand, knocking me to the ground. I could feel the shock of the impact reverberating through my body, but I quickly stood back up, fueled by a sense of determination.

I dodged his next lunge, feeling a sense of exhilaration as I punched him in the ear and followed up with a right to the jaw. He fell back, and I struck him with all my weight, knocking him off balance.

As I stood over him, I could feel my heart pounding with a mixture of adrenaline and triumph. This was what I had been training for, what I had been working towards all my life. had won.

After a few more kicks and punches, he was on his knees, and I decided not to hurt him any more. Victor was by his side in a flash, murmuring, "What on earth?"

Romeo was worried, uttering, "You are not supposed to kill him," but I knew that I had not done any serious harm.

I raged, "None of his bones is broken, and his face will heal quickly. He shouldn't have insulted and challenged me with such a cocky attitude. You reap what you sow," as the proverb says."

And with that, I left the arena, leaving my brothers in stunned silence. As I walked away, I could feel a sense of satisfaction and triumph coursing through my veins. I could hear Victor's deep voice saying, "The calm before the storm," as I walked away. I knew that I had proven myself and that I was capable of defending myself against any challenge.

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