Chapter 44

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Two days had passed since Antonio left the hospital, and I can assure you he was recovering quickly enough. However, I started experiencing nightmares once more after seeing my father's picture. When Louis had me go to a therapist a few years ago, the nightmares ended. But now, it's like I'm back to square one. Those nightmares have a way of messing with my head, making me question my sanity. I find myself tossing and turning, drenched in sweat, unable to escape the clutches of fear and darkness. It's like a constant battle, trying to regain control over my own mind. My mind jolted out of its reverie when, out of nowhere, As the photographer captured snapshots of our unity, I overheard a hushed exchange between Victor and Daniel, my heart quickening at their words.

"Do you think she'll ever let us in?" Daniel's voice held a mixture of earnestness and vulnerability beneath his tough exterior. really? why can't they leave me alone?

Victor's gaze remained fixed on me, his eyes a mosaic of emotions. "Daniel, she is our only sister. We just need to give her time."

Dante and Enzo exchanged knowing glances nearby. Enzo's voice carried a touch of understanding. "I am sure we will be like a normal family again, even if she doesn't want anything to do with us now we will surely change her mind."

Antonio suddenly approached me with a tentative smile. "Isabella, you've been distant. It's good to finally see you."

A playful light flickered in my eyes. "Distant? Antonio, you make it sound so dramatic."

Antonio chuckled. "You've always had a way with words, amore. Remember, we have a surprise for you at dinner."

As evening settled and our family gathered around the dinner table, the room buzzed with quiet conversations and shared glances. grandpa cleared his throat, his eyes never leaving mine. "Isabella, we recognize your distance. But we want you to know something - our bonds extend far beyond what you might perceive." what??

Puzzlement etched my features as I exchanged curious glances with Enzo, Gio, and Armando who were frowning. Victor's voice held a steady resolve. "We've all been part of something greater, something that demands loyalty above all else." were they talking about the mafia?

Leo's words were soft yet firm. "we're here to protect you, to stand by you no matter what. you don't need to hide anything from us ever." I feel like crying. why the hell am I getting so emotional?

My gaze flitted between family members, my defences wavering. "What are you all trying to tell me? That there's more to our family than meets the eye?"  they are the family I always wished for but the very family that can lead me to my death.

Maximo's tone held a surprising tenderness. "Isabella now is not the time but you will understand soon." How can I tell you all that I am an assassin and that too black rose?

Romeo, who had remained silent, finally spoke, his voice sincere. "Isabella, we love you. We're willing to go to great lengths to ensure your safety and remind you that you're never alone." Tears pooled in my eyes as the walls around my heart began to crumble. A sense of belonging, stronger than any I had felt before, surged within me. But with my past experiences, I knew that I didn't deserve love or family.

"we are aware Bella that you don't care about all of this but we care about you a lot, trust me" Daniel spoke. 

Niccolo approached me, his presence commanding yet comforting. "Isabella," he began, his voice steady, "these moments together have been precious. I never thought we'd all be under the same roof again. I know that you never wanted to meet us but we are your family whether you accept it or not" why are my emotions such a mess now god?

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