chapter 13

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I AM BACK !!!. as Promised The three chapters, yet they are going to be short.

Isabella POV

As Victor called my name, I stoically descended the stairs, my heart sinking as I saw the angry expressions on my brothers' faces. Walking into the living room, I noticed an enraged Victor and Leonardo, Giovanni looking humiliated, Romeo disgusted, and Maximo annoyed. It was clear that something serious had happened.

"Victor, did you call me?" I questioned, trying to keep my voice steady despite the fear that was building inside me.

He inquired sternly, "What happened in the car?" His eyes bore into mine, and I knew that I couldn't lie to him.

I shook my head and replied, emphasizing the word "you're," "he labelled me a whore and claimed I would break your family apart." I could feel the tension in the room as my brothers all looked at me in disbelief.

As soon as I finished speaking and turned to go, Leonardo sprang up and grabbed my hand, raising the sleeve of my cardigan. Damn, the situation is going out of control."How come your hand is bleeding? "Leonardo queries in a safe-sounding yet perilous tone.

I fidgeted and muttered, "Oh that." I responded lowly, "It could have happened when Maximo grabbed my hand to scare me. Maximo was the subject of murderous looks from all four of my brothers.

Victor turned to Maximo. "Did you hurt your sister?" he asked, his voice stern. Maximo shrugged, looking away. "I just wanted to scare her," he mumbled.

Victor's face darkened. "You will write an apology letter to your sister," he ordered. "And you will be grounded for a month, with all electronics on my table."

"You are grounded for a month all electronics on my table and you will write an apology letter, Maximo. And you are grounded for a week Giovanni" orders Victor.

Indignantly, Giovanni says, "Why me?"

Leonardo asks quietly, "Didn't you stay quiet when Maximo hurt our sister."They both reluctantly carry out Victor's instructions.

Victor commands, "Come with me." I groan and go after him. 

Now what?


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