Chapter 46

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I slung my bag over my shoulder, giving my brothers a playful grin. "Ready for another day in the wild world of education, guys?" I knew they hated school so much.

Gio shot back, a smirk on his face. "You bet, sis. Let's rock those hallways."

Enzo chimed in with a teasing tone. "And remind everyone who's the boss."

Armando added in his usual composed manner. "Stay close, stay sharp."

We stepped into the school, and I couldn't help but notice the hushed tones and curious glances that followed us. It was like we brought our own spotlight with us.

As we walked, I nudged Enzo. "You really think we're gonna remind them?"

He grinned. "Well, we're unforgettable, aren't we?"

The day carried on with its mix of classes and chatter. My presence seemed to be a magnet for whispers, but I pushed them aside. My attention was on the friends who had my back.

At lunch, Noah, Albert, and Kathy joined me, and the banter started right away. Noah winked at me. "Ready for another thrilling day in the land of textbooks and drama?"

I rolled my eyes. "You know it, Noah. Just hoping the drama stays on the pages."

Albert chimed in, mock-dramatic. "Or maybe spills over into some epic lunchroom showdown."

Kathy chuckled, her eyes twinkling. "You guys and your imagination."

Later in the classroom, I was determined to stay engaged. I raised my hand, cracked jokes with friends, and focused on the lessons sometimes. Maybe school was not that bad.

When the lunch bell rang, I gathered my stuff and stepped out. My brothers were waiting, and they raised their eyebrows at me.

Gio nudged me. "So, sis, any particularly interesting developments?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "You mean aside from all the rumours?"

As we strolled out, I introduced my friends to my brothers. Predictably, my brothers' overprotective mode activated. Enzo didn't look happy at all while Armando and Gio exchanged looks. Before Gio never met my friends as they made sure to avoid my brother but now..

 "You've been hanging out with some guys?" Gio asked his tone more serious than usual.

"Yeah, this is Kathy Albert and Noah my friends"

 "guys the famous D'Angelo brothers."

Enzo's voice carried a hint of frustration. "We're just looking out for you. You know how these things can spiral."

Kathy exchanged a quick glance with me, sensing the tension. But before I could respond, my brothers' words took a turn that ignited my anger.

Armando's words were measured, but they hit a nerve. "We're concerned, Isabella. You've been on your own quite a bit lately."

my eyes flashed, my temper rising. I leaned forward, her voice sharp. "On my own? Like you guys left me when I was a kid?" I didn't need babysitters. 

Gio's face tightened, his gaze piercing. "It wasn't like that, Isabella."

"Then what was it?" They are just my brothers in name most of the time.

My voice grew colder. "Oh, really? Because I remember being left behind without an explanation."

Kathy probably sensed the conversation spiralling into dangerous territory. She intervened, placing a calming hand on my arm. "Guys, let's not escalate this."

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