Chapter 40

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I am so punctual right?? I am going to vanish again since I have exams.!! I am so sorryyyyy!!!

We finally made it to Chapter 40. 

Thank you all so much for the support.❤️❤️


Niccolo's POV:

My gut reaction to this was adverse. Because of my prior mistakes, I've learnt to always follow my instincts, and this time, something is wrong. I put my gun in my coat and conceal it there. I choose a couple of daggers and put my socks up over them before strapping them to my ankle. I took care to keep all of my weapons hidden, and just then there was a knock at the door. My mother showed up with her signature grin on. Immediately, I stand up. Grandma included, she detested it when we left on a mission. they said they were unable to breathe till we arrived safely. As soon as she entered the room, I inquired, "Mom, what's up?"

She gave a stern "Come back safe son" command. I simply chuckled and gave her another embrace.

We both go downstairs, where all of our family members were there except for Isabella and Max. Daniel, Leo, Victor and Antonio were prepared and equipped. Our younger brothers, dad, uncle, mom, aunt, and grandmother hug us and threaten to annoy us when we get back.

 Grandpa remained silent on the other hand. He added, shocking us all, "I agree with you Niccolo, I have an unpleasant feeling about this. That explains why I learned this expertise from him. Leo jokingly said, "You are just getting old Grandpa," and we all grimaced. He was now doomed. Grandpa pulled his ear, calling him a "piece of shit," which made everyone laugh.

Isabella arrived downstairs a little while later and didn't appear to be in a good mood. We became pale as she commented that "Where are you all going?"

"Office" uncle was a master of deception.

Victor responded right away, "Yeah, important meeting. All of us adored Bella, but Victor treated her more like a daughter than a sister.  

We all exhaled in relief as she scowled and headed upstairs.

"What will she do when she learns our true identities?" Maximo wondered. Until Dad spoke, everyone had their heads down, worried.

Dad said, "Well, the mission boys."

We were going to depart shortly when three people approached us and bowed. Along with Salvestro and Emmanuel who was Antonio's second in command, the gang member we saw last time was present.

"Will you be joining us?" Leo smirkingly asks.

"No sir, I'm here because my boss asked me to inform you that our adversary, the commander of the gang's "triads," Felix, has allied himself with Ivanov. You should exercise caution since the man has no moral principles and would stop at nothing to further his personal interests. He always comes from behind to attack". She forewarned, bowed, and then she departed.

Victor smirked, "I want to meet that boss of hers once," while the rest of us exchanged looks. The phrase "One day we will" was spoken by Antonio as Daniel went on to brief our men on the safety strategy.

After giving our guys instructions, we departed for the location of the meeting, an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts. we decided to meet on neutral territory as it was safer.

I had a horrible feeling when the gang leaders Felix and Diego reached the area. My instinct tells me there is a severe issue.

"Dons" Sylvie was correct, this man had no regard for the mafias. Victor and Antonio appeared to be making every effort to keep their rage under control.

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