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I sat on the ground, my hands hidden in my sleeves as I watched the three senseis decide on what to do with us. The Uchiya boy and Hyuuga boy sat only a few meters away from me; constantly glancing in my direction. I chose to ignore them. Kakashi and I had been only one and a half hours late. I thought that that was pretty good timing; Kakashi always tried to get me to be on time but ever since he met me I always caused him to be late. I hadn't been allowed to pick what I wanted to wear; if I had have had it my way then I would be dressed in the cheapest things there was. Instead Kakashi had bought me whatever the lady had made me put on; it was actually really cute. I had on the same black lace up boots Kakashi had bought me for my birthday (I loved them), striped hot pink and black socks that went almost to the very tops of my legs, a baggy grey hoody (I had asked the lady for a permanent black texta and had written 'Bite Me' across it) and finally underneath the hoody I wore a dress. Kakashi hadn't seen the dress and I really didn't want him to, it showed so much; once again, I was scared of rejection. It was a light blue dress that had only about two inches of sleeves that actually sat on my arms as it was one of those dresses that went straight across your chest; showing off your shoulders and neck. It was very clingy and the bottom of it was a short wavy skirt. I loved it. Oh yeah, It was also missing a lot of the back of it so if I ever took off my hoody you would see my bare back, the fabric appearing a bit before my ass. There was one strip of fabric that ran across my shoulder blades so that the dress was secure and the 'sleeves' actually had a reason to be apart of the outfit.

I felt bad that Kakashi bought me such expensive stuff (it was of the highest quality so it wouldn't tear or wear easily)but I was kind of used to it. After all he had been buying me stuff since I was 4 years old but still; the thought of imposing so much on Kakashi that he would end up leaving me was always in the back of my mind. I knew it was unreasonable but I couldn't think anything else. I watched Kakashi from a distance, never letting my eyes roam; it was official. There was something wrong with me. I was in love with my father figure. I sighed; what did Kakashi have in store for me later?

"What are you sighing about?"
I jumped in shock and looked up to see Kakashi standing upside down from a tree branch. I looked over to where I had been watching and still saw Kakashi there.
"Why have you cloned yourself?" I frowned
"Did you know that I always thought you were a hyper-active, bubbly, overly-nice person?" Kakashi stated, his eyes looking at me pointedly.
"Do you have a problem with the me now? Cause this is the real me." I grumbled, I was starting to get pissed off. If anything I had one hell of a temper and Kakashi was beginning to get under my skin.
Kakashi casually and expertly flipped off of the tree and stood in front of me; I had to raise my head to an almost painful angle just to look into his face.
"Hmmm... no, I think I like this you better." At these words my eyes widened and my jaw dropped open.
Kakashi squatted down in front of me, making it easier for me to look at him. He had always taught me it was rude not to look someone in the face when they spoke to you; so now it came with habit. Kakashi leaned in closer to me, aware that no one was in close hearing range.
"Don't keep your mouth open like that, not only might you catch flies but men might be eager to put stuff in it." He leaned back and I could tell he was smirking wickedly under his mask.
I felt my face going red as I caught onto his hidden meaning and that just about did it. I vaguely heard Jaraiya call out that we would have to grab the bells off of our senseis as there were placed on their belts. As he was calling out this order I was sprinting towards the real Kakashi and boy was I angry.

"You bastard!" I screamed as I ran head long into a shocked Kakashi.
I had a pretty good check on my emotions, enough so that the jutsu I did every morning wouldn't 'break' from the emotions that were flowing through me at the moment. There was no way that my hair was going to change hair colour. However if Kakashi made me any angrier.... I went to punch Kakashi in the face but instead ended up punching a log. Substitution!
"You're going to have to do better than that Sweet Cheeks." Kakashi whispered behind my back
I spun around quickly, whipping my leg out as I did and almost knocking Kakashi to the ground but he managed to flip along the ground and ended up upright. I did a quick scan and noticed that the other four people had disappeared.
"Don't call me that!" I growled, I was getting too angry.
I ran at Kakashi again this time, feinting and following him as he dodged me. He laughed in enjoyment as he skipped around me. He was playing with me!
"Come on Cup Cake, keep up!"
This time I ran at him I hooked him in the chin and brought out a kunai, quickly stabbing Kakashi in the shoulder with it. I heard Kakashi hiss in pain as we both pushed away from each other. I looked up at him and gave him a tight lipped smile. I was pleased to have hurt him, the anger dissipated a bit.

Beloved Pervert { A Kakashi Love Story} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now