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Dinner was boring to say the least but I was happy to get food since I hadn't eaten for a while. Everyone sat around a rectangular wooden table. Mr. Ikari sat at one head of the table while Kakashi sat at the other end. Mr. Ikari's wife was absent, yet three of his 'workers' who looked like that could rip my head off with one hand, were present. The three workers sat two on Mr. Ikari's right side and one on his left, beside them sat Uchiha and Inuzuka. Everyone sat chatting away happily and eating there full while I sat in a corner of the large room by myself on a small table with miniture cutlery and plates, even my serving was smaller. My stomach growled quitely as I finished my small serve and the fatigue within me began taking over. I definitely needed more food to replace the energy that was being used for my chakra, especially when I had to concentrate on all of Kakashi's marks. However I didn't mind sitting by myself, I hated the attention I attracted from Mr. Ikari and his men; especially when they continued to leave the event of the collapsed room I had been in.

"Why haven't you left yet?" I jumped in my seat and spilt my cup of juice on my lap and front.
"What do you mean?" I hissed quietly, glaring at Uchiha.
"When are you leaving?" Uchiha asked, his grey eyes watching my every move as he began mopping up the mess I'd made.
"I'm not. Go away." I growled, shuffling as far from him as I could on my chair.
"What do you mean?" Uchiha asked slowly and quietly, ensuring the attention remained off of us.
"I'm not going anywhere. What don't you get about that? Can't speak English?" I teased, poking my tongue out.
"Mum, Tilly's made a mess, I'm going to go and clean her up." Uchiha suddenly called out to Inuzuka, bringing everyone's eyes to us.
"Thank you, Itachi." Inuzuka replied, smiling happily as Uchiha gathered me into his arms and propped me on his hip as he began carrying me out.
"Itachi." Kakashi spoke sharply.
Uchiha halted in his walk to the exit, turning slightly to face an, as usual, blank faced Kakashi.
"Be quick, dessert will be served soon." Kakashi's eye crinkled to suggest a smile but I didn't see the mask move and knew his lips were in a tight line, suppressing a glower.
"Yes, Father." Uchiha responded, nodding slightly before continuing his quick walk out of the dining room.

"Put me down Onii-San!" I yelled out, poundingUchiha on the shoulder with my small fists.
"Doesn't that hurt Itachi?" A maid asked as she walked by with a basket of folded laundry.
"Not at all." Uchiha responded, smiling warmly at the lady.
I frowned at this, annoyed that Uchiha was once again not taking me seriously. I reached up and grabbed two fistfulls of Uchiha's long hair, surprised at its softness and pulled hard.
"Itchy!" I screamed into Uchiha's ear.
Uchiha winced and looked at me. I froze immediately and stopping yanking at Uchiha's hair, allowing Uchiha to return his attention back to the long hallway. I remained on Uchiha's side, my tiny hands gently holding Uchiha's soft hair as I sat staring at the side of Uchiha's face. He hadn't glared at me, angry that I had hurt him, he had looked at me bemused and seemed even slightly happy. Why wasn't he angry at me?

Uchiha stopped under a random blossom tree behind the large house, in a small garden, surrounded by the roses' perfume. Uchiha leapt into the tree's branches with me still in his arms and I struggled to remain expressionless as Uchiha leapt through the tree with ease. He was clearly experience and skilled beyond the level that I had thought he was at. Near the top of the tree, amidst the pink petals of the large tree, Uchiha placed me gently down on a fork in the tree and remained standing on the branch in front of me. I stayed silent as we watched each other, Uchiha watching me with a gentle look while I observed him with suspicion.
"Princess," Uchiha started.
"Don't call me that." I interrupted.
Uchiha sighed and leant against the thick trunk of the beatufiul tree before continuing.
"Look princess, I want you to leave. Quit the mission, we can do it without you. We already have two high-levelled ninja on this mission; we can cope without you."
I narrowed my eyes at Uchiha, ignoring the feeling of wanting to push the hair out of his face.
"One day, your arrogance will get you killed." I said simply.
"It isn't arrogance but fact. I'll pack your things for you so you can leave after dinner." Uchiha spoke as if I had agreed.
"I'm not leaving." I repeated.
"Why not?"
"I want to help." I said simply, leaving the fact of my involvement with The Graves out. I had a bad feeling that we were about to be dragged into one hell of a fight.
"You're a hopeless ninja, you're only in danger here." Uchiha explained.
"Why do you care? You've gone from molesting me to trying to get me leave for my own, so called, 'safety' in only a few hours." I snapped, anger beginning to bubble within me.

Uchiha looked at me carefully, assessing my actions as I sat impatiently int he fork of the tree.
"You really aren't going to leave are you?" Uchiha asked quietly as he took a few steps closer until he was directly in front of me.
I shook my head no.
"Please answer with your words, I can't believe you actually have a voice." Uchiha almost whispered to me as his grey eyes looked deep into mine, "I want you to leave because the day you stepped into that ninja school, falling over your own feet, I fell for you and I've been falling ever since. I want you to leave so that this fall can continue safely before I hit the ground; I don't want to see you get hurt. This group isn't one to be thought of lightly and I fear they have something against you after almost killing you by destroying that room. If you aren't leaving then I'll make sure you remain by my side for the rest of the mission, I won't be able to focus with you hurt." Uchiha leant in slowly, watching me to see my reaction as he paused only a few centimetres before me. Uchiha smiled warmly at me when I remained where I was and I felt my stomach errupt in butterflies at the sight. I was beginning to understand why Uchiha had so many fan-girls. I sat frozen, a deer in the spotlight as Uchiha continued to lean in until he ever so softly placed his warm lips against mine.
"Come on." Uchiha murmured as he pulled away, gathering my small frame into his arms once more, "let's get you changed."
"You attacked me to make me want to leave." I whispered shocked as the realization hit me. Uchiha didn't respond as he jumped down the tree but he didn't need to. I knew.

Uchiha took me to my room where I changed into a pair of pink flannelette pyjamas covered in yellow crowns with the occasional black word, princess scrawled craftily. Uchiha looked at my amused when I appeared before him in the outfit and I scowled, warning him silently if he made any jokes about the horrid clothing. Thankfully, Uchiha remained quiet as he grabbed my hand and led me back to the dining room, walking slowly in order to allow me the leisure of walking rather than running.
"Uchiha! Hatake was just telling everyone about our last family trip!" Inuzuka called out as soon as we walked into the large room.
"Was he?" Uchiha replied, leading me over to the table where he sat down and pulled me onto his lap.
Uchiha pulled me closer to his chest and wrapped his arms around me, cocooning me in warmth as I snuggled into his chest, my knees kneeling on his thighs as I closed my eyes. As everyone spoke however, I watched Mr. Iruka through the slits of my eyes and noticed the head stone with a skull in it, inked into his skin on his left wrist where he continued to pull down his suit sleeve as if it was a nervous reaction. Mr. Iruka looked my way and I closed my eyes fully, burrying my head further into Uchiha's warm jumper.

"She seemed exhausted." Mr. Iruka commented.
"It's been a long day." Uchiha responded.
"Of course, Matilda mentioned that you told her that she sleeps with you often so we made arrangements for her to sleep in your room. We really do want you to be as comfortable as possible here." I stiffened at Mr. Iruka's words and almost felt the anger spilling from Kakashi.
"Thank you Mr. Iruka, it's very appreciated. Tilliqa is very attached to her brother." Inuzuka interrupted smoothly.
The conversation continued smoothly and each time I cracked open an eyelid I found Mr. Iruka or one of his 'workers' watching me curiously. It wasn't long before I decided it was safest to simply remain 'asleep' and with that I closed my eyes tightly and before long was drifting off to sleep. It was only just before the darkness engulfed me that the realization that Uchiha had confessed his love for me hit and it was only then that I realized I was in a bit of trouble because if uchiha revealed his warm smile and soft eyes to me on a regular basis; I might find myself not entirely loathing Uchiha's attention.

Beloved Pervert { A Kakashi Love Story} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now