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I woke up and didn't dare open my eyes. I was warm even though it was winter, I was lying on something soft even though the ground was cold and hard. I snuggled closer into this soft ground and held on tighter to the warmth wrapped around me; only just remembering to perform my morning jutsu. I smiled into the comfy ground and slowly the memories of why everything was so good came flooding back in a head spinning moment. I sat up straight suddenly and looked around, keeping the blanket held around myself. When I was certain that Kakashi wasn't up I headed to the bathroom. In the bathroom I found my clothes sitting on the edge of the bath. I took a shower, smiling when I found my favourite strawberry smelling hair products sitting on the floor of the shower. He really did know me inside and out.

I took a shower and got out, the smell of strawberries almost overpowering. I changed into my dress and found that my hoody was no where in sight but was grateful to find fresh pair of bra and panties, socks and the smell of my dress was soap which meant he had actually cleaned my dress as well. The feeling of being cared for, of actually being cared about almost took me away on a viscous wind and I was almost willingly going to let it take me. I looked in the mirror on top of the basin and noticed that my hair was a bubble-gum pink. It had been a while since I had woken up with this coloured hair; I only ever had this hair colour around Kakashi. he truly was the only person to actually make me happy. I grabbed the two black chop sticks that had intricate engravings on them from the basin where I had placed them. Kakashi knew that these chopsticks were important to me and always took care of them if he ever took any of my stuff.

I shoved them through my hair so that my hair was held in a loose and messy bun. I looked in the mirror to make sure that I wasn't forgetting anything like my dress and was shocked at what I saw. I pulled down my dress until it showed the edge of my blue and black bra and slowly felt irritation taking control. Love bites trailed from just above my bra all the way up to just under my ear on my neck. There were at least twenty. I heard a door open and heard footsteps heading towards the kitchen.

I stormed out of the bathroom, slamming every door I passed until I stood in the kitchen directly in front of Kakashi. I looked up at Kakashi, once again cursing my height because I only barely reached his shoulders. Kakashi raised one eyebrow at me. He wore nothing but a pair of jeans that hung low of his hips. Curse his godly looks!
"What am I supposed to do with these?! I can't hide them!" I shrieked, gesturing at the bites.
Kakashi shrugged, I told you not to pull your hood up for the rest of your day and you pulled it up when you showed Jaraiya that you had gotten a bell." Kakashi replied casually, not even flinching at my anger.
"You did that!" I folded my arms and stomped my foot.
"Did you just stomp your foot?" He asked humorously.
"Kashi!" I snapped
He sighed in reply and grabbed my waist, picking me up and placing me on the bench so that I was just a tiny, tiny bit taller. Part of my head actually passing his shoulder. He placed both his hands on either side of me on the bench.
"If you hadn't have lost control of your emotions and as a result then I wouldn't have had to put your hoody on your head. So really, you did that yourself."
I frowned at him, still having my arms crossed and I did something that was very childish. I flung my leg out and kicked him in the gut putting some chakra into the blow. The air rushed out of him and he bent over a little bit; my reply was: well, I gave him a raspberry as his face was lower than mine now and his head was bent towards the floor.

"Fix it!" I ordered
Kakashi took a few more deep breathes before straightening up again and looked my straight in the eyes. He bent closer towards me and placed his lips next to my ear. I always wondered how he could keep his left eye closed so easily without ever tripping up. I felt his warm breath against my ear and felt my body shiver in response. I was trapped in once again.
"My house, my rules, you're mine and I want everyone to know and see that. So I'm not getting rid of those bites, Love." Kakashi whispered
I stiffened, I was his? "I'm yours in a daughter way or....?" I couldn't keep my mind off of the bare skin on skin contact I was receiving from Kakashi because he was leaning so close to me.
"Hmmm... both, I think." He chuckled
"How does that work?!" I raised my voice, annoyed that once again I hadn't gotten a straight-forward answer.
Kakashi groaned "Tilly, it's too early to be raising your voice."
"If you can't handle it then I'll leave." I growled back "Besides, I wouldn't be shouting if you hadn't have given me so many love-" my voice had been rising with each word but suddenly I gasped in shock. I felt Kakashi suck my earlobe and closed my eyes when I felt his teeth graze me ear. Kakashi pulled away and looked at me, a playful sparkle in his eye. I was as confused as ever.

He turned away from me and started messing around in the kitchen, reaching into cupboards and getting things out. He was making breakfast.
"My leather jacket is behind the couch on the floor, it has a high collar so you can wear that today."
"You suck." I replied as I jumped off of the bench, I turned around, heading for the lounge room.
'SMACK', I hissed in pain and whirled back around facing Kakashi who had once again smacked me.
"What's your problem?!" I screamed at him, once again a situation like the average father and daughter. My face was going red with embarrassment and I could feel my hair turning into a shade of purple with red through it. "Why'd you'd that?!"
Kakashi shrugged "Dunno, felt like it I guess. I could blame it on you saying I suck but then I'd be lying so my reason would be... I don't feel like telling you."
My mouth fell open into a perfect O. Kakashi turned around and continued making breakfast so I stormed out of the room in search of his jacket. I found his jacket and shoved it on, anger was obvious in every one of my movements.

I turned around and stubbed my toe on an armchair and that is just about when I lost it. I began throwing things, smashing them and tipping things over. Kakashi eventually walked in and sighed. He actually sighed! He didn't get angry or worried or was even surprised. He just sighed.
"So I was right, you really haven't changed a bit."
"What do you mean?! Stop saying and doing stuff that is confusing!"
"What am I doing that is confusing?"
"You're... you're... I think I have the hots for you and yet you're treating me like a daughter!" I finally spat out, anger removing my rationality.
Kakashi didn't say anything, he simply stared at me and I stared back up at him; refusing to give in. Finally Kakashi walked over to me, slowly. He acted as if I was a scared animal, ready to lash out at nay moment and to be honest, he wouldn't be to far off fro my train of thoughts if he was thinking that.

Kakashi reached out and trailed a hand down my face, finally cupping it at the bottom.
"I'm glad you do because ever since I laid eyes on you I promised to make sure that you would be mine and mine alone. Forever." Kakashi suddenly shoved a bowl into my hands. I looked down at it and found hot porridge in the bowl, covered in honey. I looked back up at him. "You know that still leaves me confused Kashi, am I a daughter not to you?" I whispered
"Eat that on your way to work, we start training after lunch so eat lunch at work." Kakashi shoved me towards the front door, lightly smacking my ass as I passed him. I ate one spoonful of the porridge and felt immediately happy; it had been many, many months since I had woken up in a warm home, been cared for by someone and gotten food with that as well.

I shoveled down the food before I even opened the door so I ran back into the kitchen, dropping my plate in the sink and then ran into the bathroom to find Kakashi about to pull down his underwear. He seemed shocked to see me and was even more shocked when I ran at him and jumped on him; wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I hugged him tightly and pecked him on the lips.
"Thanks Kashi!" I smiled at him and he smiled at me in return, his one eye sparkled.
He grabbed a beret off of the sink and placed it on my head before setting me down and kissing me on the forehead.
"Have fun at work, Love."
I ran out of the apartment and off to work. Was this going to be a normal morning for me from now on? If I was being honest, I really hoped so.

Beloved Pervert { A Kakashi Love Story} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now