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I was wandering around the large house we would be staying in. My body was quickly getting used to the amount of energy I needed to stay disguised and keep my hair colour in check. That meant sooner or later I was going to need one hell of a work out to get rid of all this pent-up chakra. I remember being short for my age, I always was and still am but as I glared at the door knob which led to another room which I wanted to investigate, I remembered how annoying being short was. I stood on my tip toes and tried to grasp at the door knob but all I could manage was the tips of my fingers grazing the smooth metal. I stomped my foot and folded my arms across my chest, angry at the door and myself. Damn this, while Inuzuka is sucking face with Kakashi -which she was doing more often than she should- I was investigating the house; or at least trying to yet being halted by tall doors.

"Kakashi!" I ignored the person calling out and began jumping for the doorknob.
"Kakashi!" Why doesn't Kakashi go to the person? They were distracting me with their insistent calls.
"Kakashi." The voice was right behind me now and I spun around.
"You're not allowed in there Kakashi." A man cooed at me. Right, I was Tilliqa Kakashi right now. I was Kakashi. I liked that, Tilliqa Kakashi. I shook my head, no time to think like that. I looked at my feet, shifting them so I appeared like a child caught doing something they shouldn't. The man chuckled at this then bent down and picked me up, sitting me on his hip.
"How old are you Kakashi?"
"Eight!" I announced proudly, this made the man laugh as he carried me somewhere.
"Hey! Itachi Kakashi!" Yeah, that sounded plain wrong, "I have your sister, mind taking her?"
"Thanks Sir." Uchiha said as he took me from the man's grasp. The man walked away and I was stuck pretending to love my big brother.
"Awwww, she's so cute! You're so good with her." A maid cooed as she pinched my cheek, something glinted in her hand but I ignored it and buried my face into Uchiha's neck at this and felt him hold me tighter.
"Sorry, she's shy." Uchiha commented, this only attracted more maids and before I knew it Uchiha was using me to speak to the girls and get information out of them.

I think I realized before Uchiha when the women were out of information, or maybe he just liked flirting with them. Regardless, by this point I was tired of being here.
"Itchy! I hungy!" I yelled out, pulling at his hair. The women laughed and moved out of our way as Uchiha took me away. Uchiha took us into a random bedroom. Itachi threw me down onto the bed and caged me in with his body.
"You're aging pretty quickly little sis." Uchiha mentioned pointedly. I looked down at my body and noticed I'd lost my disguise. What the hell? I thought back and remembered the maid which pinched my cheek, she'd been holding something. I reached up and touched my face, sure enough my cheek had a scratch on it. What kind of weapon did they have that stopped my jutsu?

"Come back Angel." Uchiha murmured, his face close to mine. I came back to the present and realized that I was wearing a seriously short and tight dress. Kashi had placed a jutsu on it and told me it would grow with me but only to an extent.
"Get off of me Uchiha." I growled, pushing myself off of the bed.
"Mmmm, no. Not until you swear to call me Onii-san." Uchiha smiled wickedly and moved so quickly that suddenly my hands were pinned above me head and my skirt was pulling higher up my thighs. Too high. Uchiha shift his hands so that one of them held both my wrists and the other one started sliding down my body.
"Swear Princess."
"I don't have to call you Onii-san, it'll do nothing for the mission." I snapped
"I want you to call me it."
"Get off me." I hissed, Uchiha's hair had falled out of his pig tail and some of it brushed my cheeks. I felt Uchiha's hand reach my thigh and gasped as it slipped up my skirt.
"Don't." I whispered.
"Then swear." Uchiha whispered in my ear, nipping it when he pulled away. I closed my eyes, I couldn't afford to use anymore chakra and I couldn't risk fighting him and revealing ourselves. I felt exhausted, like someone had taken all my chakra suddenly.
"Fine. I swear to call you Onii-san." I snipped.

"That's all I wanted Princess." Uchiha murmured against the crook of my neck but I felt his hands move the lacy fabric of my underwear away.
"Then stop." I gasped.
"I've wanted you ever since your clumsy self came into my ninja class years ago." Uchiha murmured. Well that was news to me.
I felt Uchiha's finger touch my sensitive place and I struggled to stifle a moan.
"Uchiha get away from her before I cut your hands off." I'd know that voice anywhere.
"Relax Sensei, was just having some teenage fun. See ya later Dad." Uchiha was quick to leave the room, guess he knew when the odds were against him. I closed my eyes, I didn't want to see him, I felt yuk.
"Up. Now." He was pissed. I stood up and looked at Kashi who stood in front of me where Uchiha had stood only moments before. Kakashi grabbed my face with one hand and looked intently at me.
"Why was Uchiha getting in your pants?"
"Because I felt like I was missing out with Inuzuka getting into yours." I scowled
Kakashi frowned and spun me into a wall, I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as Kashi's palm met my ass and the sting errupted.
"I'm not in the mood Tilliqa." Kashi growled in my ear, pushing his body against the back of mine. One of his hands held both my wrists above my head.

"I don't know. It just happened. I felt weak, he must have noticed, he took me into this room and then that happened." I mumbled. I wanted my Kashi back. Not this angry one or the serious one. Just my Kashi.
"You're jealous of Inuzuka." Statement, not a question.
"There's no need for you to be jealous Honey," I shivered as Kashi ran his tongue up my neck, "I'm all yours." I was shocked, he'd said exactly what I'd always wanted to hear. Suddenly I felt my energy return in a burst and I yelled out in pain as my head went into a spin and I felt sick. Kakashi let go of my wrists and allowed me to fall to the ground.
"Tilly?" Kashi's voice was laced with concern. I stood up and pouted, I didn't even reach his hip. Whatever had happened had brought my chakra back and given enough to continue the jutsus I hadn't released yet.
"My Kashi!" I yelled, holding my arms in the air. Kakashi was still frowning but at this he chuckled and lifted me up. Just like old times. I pulled Kashi's mask down and was pleased that he didn't resist. I felt his lips, nose, chin and cheeks before smiling happily. Oh no, bad mood. Too much chakra. What the hell was going on? I had no chakra, now too much. This was dangerous.

"Kashi I hungy!" I yelled, pulling at his hair.
"Tilly, what's going on?" Kakashi asked, frowning as he pulled his mask back on.
"Too much chakra. Outside!" I ordered Kashi.
"Why outside Tilly?" Kashi asked, holding me tightly.
I heard a loud bang and then the wall of the room exploded, sending me flying out of Kashi's arms.
"Long time no see Storm!" I heard a man call out before I was kicked in the head and thrown into darkness.

Beloved Pervert { A Kakashi Love Story} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now