Chapter 7: Goodness Gracious

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Ethan's POV

Floating through the air with me being above the earth was a feeling only pilots with a 360 view would know, today is just an ordinary air patrol looking for more Iranian jets. Looking around the squadron was in a diamond formation with me being on left, everyone else was spread out quite far to avoid being bunched up.

"Sabers check in?" Andreas ordered

"Saber 2, nothing"

"Saber 3, nada"

"Saber 4, all blue and tan"

I continued to scan around the landscape but continued to see nothing but hot sand mirroring the bright sun, faint fluffy clouds dotting the sky, and the blue sky blanketing the earth. Unclipping my mask and lifting my visor, I let the cool air in the cockpit cool my drenched face, "Perimeter cleared, return back to base" Andreas spoke, Adam on the right banked right and everyone followed.

Landing back on base, I climbed out of the aircraft and caught a glimpse of my two air-air kills painted under the canopy. It was something I was proud of not going to lie.

"Nerd, were heading to the bar in town nearby coming?" Adam shouted from a few planes down, "Uh, hell... yeah why not" I said jogging to the Adam who was standing with the rest of team. Following them, I took notice that we were still wearing our flight suits and holding our helmets. "Captain, shouldn't we put our gear away before heading to a bar?" I asked making the man let out a hearty laugh, "No, were too bougie for that Ethan were showing up in style" I raised my eyebrow at my captain, it was weird and funny I've never heard my captain talk like that.

Getting to the vehicle bay, I looked at all the Abrams, Stryker's, Bradley's, LAV's, MRAPs, and Humvees all lined up in rows. The Abrams tanks caught my attention most, mostly their names, like Bunker Buster, IRS, Pez Dispenser, Your Last Words: Is That a Tank?, Slap a Hoe, and my personal favorite ShitFaceMcDurag.

"Here's our ride" Andreas said, pointing to a running Humvee with a soldier inside, "Hop in captain, we've gotta parrrrrtay!" the soldier said enthusiastically. Getting inside the Humvee, Andreas sat in front, Adam and Bob in the back, and I had the best seat standing in the hatch surrounded with steel.

"Sir, are we allowed to do this?" I asked from the top, "Haha nope, but we've worked so hard I think we deserve it" I heard him say just then the vehicle started moving with a jerk. The comforting breeze caressed my face and feeling at peace I closed my eyes feeling the wind and listening to the lullaby of the wind.

The meditating journey came to a stop when the Humvee parked outside the bar along with several other Humvees and MRAPs, scanning around we were in the town of Harir, the roads were made of very old concrete that over time has been covered in sand and dirt, there seemed to be no cars around but our sand tan Humvee. The locals going about their business watched us from a distance, curious about the several American vehicles lined up.

Landing on the pavement, I felt uneasy being outside the comfort zone of steel plates even though we are helping Iraq from an Iranian invasion, that doesn't mean a portion of the Iraqis like us. Granted the heavy flight gear and service M9 baretta made me feel a bit safer.

In front of me, the bar doors were wide open revealing the western music playing and dozens of American soldiers and Iraqi citizens drinking and talking. Feeling an odd presence next to me, I looked and nearly jumped at the sight of an Iraqi child peaking their head at me from behind the Humvee obviously intimidated by the tall American dressed in flight gear. Giving the kid a shy wave, he hesitantly gave me a wave and ran off somewhere.

"Put a hip in your skip Ethan" Adam said gently nudging me inside the bar, standing together some of the visitors looked at us with confused expressions as to why four fighter pilots still dressed in flight suits were standing in the bar. "You guys get shot down?" a Marine asked from behind the bar causing an eruption of laughter, "Get over here get your drinks, boys" the same Marine said.

Weaving through the crowd, fellow soldiers and some civilians greeted us and shook our hands. Shaking hand after hand and hearing the soldiers and locals thanking us for our hard work was nice and warming. Getting to the bar, the Marine handed us glasses of beer and seeing beer reminded me of home, it reminded me of drinking with Nick at our favorite bar.

Taking a gulp out of the glass, the alcohol did its job and soothed my nerves and mind. Plastering a wide smile on my face I knew I was going to have a fun time here.

"Hey guys watch this" Bob said setting down his glass, walking to the jukebox playing music he pulled the cord ending the beat and sound, sounds of confusion and annoyance replaced the music. Bob walked towards a sleek black and white grand piano in the corner of the bar, sitting down he pushed his glasses up and pushed down on the keys creating a deep piano sound getting the attention of everyone.

Huddling around Bob, he smiled and started playing.

(Song: Great Balls of Fire from Top Gun: Maverick)

"You shake my nerves, and you rattle my brain"

"Too much love drives a man insane"

"You broke my will but what a thrill"

By now every serviceman crowded around the piano, including some pilots. I got ready for Bob to play the next part and listen to the choir of American servicemen singing together.

"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!"

Everyone yelled out including myself. A slightly drunk Adam swung his arm around my shoulder and slurred the lyrics, laughing at him I drank the rest of my beer and felt the world dip one side to the other. My vision swirled and blurred.

"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!"

"Kiss me baby"

"Ooh, that feels good, baby"

Adam sang, placing a kiss on Andrea's head who laughed at his teammate.

"Hold me baby"

"I wanna love you like a lover should"

"You're fine, you're so kind"

"I'ma tell the world that your mine, mine, mine, mine"

Those lines made me think of Angie back home, hell I'm tipsy enough to tell her confidently without tripping over my words. Bob started pressing the piano keys in a symphony of sounds, generating sounds of soldiers cheering and civilians surprised by Bobs piano skills. For a moment, my vision darkened, and sounds became mumbles.

"I'ma tell the world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine"

"I chew my nails and twiddle my thumbs"

"I get nervous, but it sure is fun"

"Come on baby, you're driving me crazy"

"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire"

Bob ended the song and the bar erupted into cheers; I cheered holding onto Adam who was almost falling asleep. Bob got praise from the people around for the performance, by now I noticed I was swaying from all the alcohol, looking down at my watch I saw it was late at night.

"Sheet, Andreas... late nught, head book" I slurred my words and our captain, not drunk, looked at his watch too and cursed under his breath. "Bob, Adam lets go" Andreas said grabbing ahold of the two pilots.

Stumbling to the door, I stepped out and was hit with a draft of cold air, opening the door and getting in. I rested my head against the hard seat. The Humvee was so dark, only the moonlight illuminated the outside world and some of the inside. Then my world went dark.

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