Chapter 14: Epilogue

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3rd Person POV

(Song: Fahrenheit 451 from Backdraft)

The funeral for Nick Rhein gained the attention of all in Houston, Texas. The firefighter's casket was placed on top of Engine 1 with the crew of Station 7 marching behind Norman, Hiryu, Anthony, and Alli who had recovered and joined. They all marched down the street in a parade marhcing towards the cemetery where Nick Rhein will be buried.

Together with Engine 1, hundreds of first responders all dressed in dress uniforms marched along with Engine 1 that was escorted by police motorcycles. Behind them all fire trucks rolled along with red thin line and regular American flags, bagpipe players played Amazing Grace, and an honor guard. On the roads and sidewalks civilians watched, saluted, and did whatever they saw as signs of respect towards Nick Rhein.

At the cemetery entrance two ladder trucks had their ladders crossed to honor a fallen firefighter, Nick was offloaded and placed inside a hearse that drove down to the burial grounds with his friends, loved ones, and fellow first responders in tow. Ethan was dressed in his Air Force officers' dress uniform while Angie was dressed in a beautiful black dress, together they held hands comforting one another.

The reception started for Nick Rhein starting with Captain Norman.

"I think it's appropriate to start by saying Nick was a good man and a good firefighter, he always worked to put himself before others. When Nick first arrived at Station 7, he had the brightest smile on his face, there I could tell he loved his job and life. Nick's death not to just the department but our station is a heavy blow that will forever be engraved in the walls of Station 7, so now if anyone would like to say something please stand"

Ethan looked at Angie who nodded, and the Air Force officer stood making the center of attention, he took his stand on the podium and took a deep breath. He looked at his friend's casket and nodded.

"Nick was and still is my best friend, he was the greatest person to have entered my life but not better than my girlfriend and I need to address that, or she'll beat my ass"

The crowd of people chuckled to Ethans joke, lightening the mood

"I've known Nick since we were kids and since that I've learned so much about him, one of those being that Nick had inner demons that ran rampant. It made my friend depressed and constantly gloomy and sad and I hated it, I hated seeing my friend so sad but even when he was down to his knees, he pushed to be happy for his kids... Nick was a good father and the bestest best friend in the world. When we were younger, Nick always talked about wanting to be a firefighter, I mean mans would go on and on about being a firefighter at some points it got annoying, but I supported him all the way. The day he graduated from fire academy and the day he officially became a father I think that was the happiest I have ever seen him, and his smile will forever be engraved in my memory. If you would, please stand and honor my friend, father, and colleague"

Everyone who wasn't already standing, stood and began clapping in a chorus. Ethan looked at the portrait next to Nicks casket and saw his friends warm smile enjoying the applause. Afterwards Ella spoke fondly about her ex-husband and after that Norman retook the stand, he commenced the last call bell ring.

"To our comrade Firefighter Nick Rhein, your duty fulfilled, your tasks accomplished, this is your last alarm... you are going home"

The bell was rung, a total of 15 times and now the burial process. The honor guard and color guard presented the colors. The chief of Houston Fire Department presented Ella with Nicks helmet cause Ethan felt the helmet belonged to Ella more than him, Ella grabbed the helmet and kissed the top of it crying into the hardened material. Nicks casket was lowered down into the ground and the dirty was placed over it. Ethan watched with watery eyes and a heavy heart and closed his eyes.

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