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Ocean Au

Toshiko and Katsuki are both merpeople. One day they're out together dangerously close to land, just talking to starfish.

The humans arrive and so they don't get caught they both turn into starfish

Turns out the humans were finding starfish to take to an aquarium, they saw the pretty purple and orange one and took them both, with a few others.

In order not to get caught (plus they had no room to transform) they both stayed as starfish together in a small tank and they made some fish friends.

It TBD how but they eventually get into a larger tank with the big fish and sharks and turtles. They think no one's there so they turn back to merpeople and start acting normal, swimming around and conversing.

Then they notice a child scream and look towards what looks like glass and go up to it. They see a crowd of humans who think it's one of those mermaid shows. They awkwardly wave and swim around and try to be entertaining and once the people leave they go up to the top and go above the water.

A worker tells them that even though it was a good show, they don't know how they got in there but they sure as heck don't work there so they have to get out and leave

They obviously can't just turn into humans so they find a bucket of fish labeled "back to ocean" and they get into it

Like a week later they get back to the ocean and they're so far away from the original home that they have to swim for a whole 3 days to the nearest town and they send a messenger fish to home to explain their story.

About the next day, a group of their friends arrive at the town and take them back to their town and have the explain everything.

Almost a month later a mermaid who can turn into a human tells them (and shows them a video) talking about how mysteriously two people in mermaid costumes infiltrated an aquarium and pretended to work there. They were asked to leave but no person or camera ever saw them leave. Only two starfish randomly sank to the bottom. The tank was searched but no one found a way they could have escaped, nor did they find those starfish.

Singer AU

Kat does intense rock music while she does soft aesthetic music

One day his fans noticed he made a love song

And later he made a song that wasn't intense rock and it was about a girl

More and more songs come out like that and eventually, most of his songs are either rock and about love or just not rock anymore

And eventually, Toshiko writes a piece of music about him and mentions his initials

Some people figure it out but no one believes them because really?? The sweetest girl who makes the sweetest songs, dating the most intense guy who does nothing but yells and screams? No way

Later on Toshiko posts a video and she drags Katsuki into it, people just think they're friends or something

Another video later on she drags him back into the video and at some point, they kiss and call each other babe and just go on with the video

People lose their minds and when they look back at their songs, it's SO OBVIOUS how no fan notices!

Mermaid AU, Mermaid Tosh, Human Kat

She and he just start talking at the beach one day while she's is in the water, behind a rock

He thinks she's just a normal person and he thinks she's kinda cute so he asks for her number

Bakugou x Toshiko Aimi/Aizawa (OC)Where stories live. Discover now