Almost awkward

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Peter's POV
I only half listen to Mr. Stark as he babbles on and on about what it means to be Spider-Man. I really want to listen, I do, but I feel like he's been giving the same talk since homecoming.

"Are you even listening?" I hear him ask. Before I can respond there's a knock on the door, Mr. Stark sighs "Come in"

A beautiful girl with y/h/l y/h/c hair, sparkling y/e/c eyes, and an airy smile comes in. My jaw drops.

She looks back and forth between us "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you , should I come back later?"

"No it's fine come in" Mr. Stark says calmly
She nods and gracefully glides across the the room to the open chair.

"This is Y/n" Mr. Starks says.
Y/n, I really like that name.

"From now on she's going to be your Happy, Rhodey, and Pepper all rolled up into one since I can't watch you all the time" he continues

Y/n turns to me and hold out her hand for me to shake "nice to meet you Parker"

I like how she called me by my last name, it's different than what I'm used to. My throat drys up and I nod.

I decided to call her by her last name like she did to me "Nice to meet you-" I realize I don't know her last name, or anything about her really
"Stark" she smiles. My jaw drops again, that's not what I was expecting at all

Y/n's POV
He looks surprised, did Tony not tell him about me like he told me about him? As far as first impressions go he doesn't seem as friendly as Tony described, but maybe he's just nervous.
He rubs the back of his neck nervously, and for the first time I realize he's kind of cute. Not in a I look like I go to the gym every second of the day kind of way, although his arms seem toned, but a I'm the sweet kind of guy you could take home to your parents kind of way.

"Well" I awkwardly start "I'm sure I'll enjoy working with you"

"Same" he responds just as awkwardly

"Ive made arrangements so that you're going to be in all the same classes this year" Tony tells us "and Y/n has a suit similar to mine so she can help you" he pauses "I'm going to leave because I have work but you two should start to get to know one another, after all you will be spending a lot of time together"

He leaves the room and we awkwardly stare at each other until Peter breaks the silence "so I didn't know Mr. Stark had a daughter"

"Most people don't. I came to live with him just after everything went down with Justin Hammer" I respond
"When you were eight?" He asks
I nod "it was the first he met me"
"Where'd you live before that?"
"With my mom"
I think he can see I don't want to talk about it anymore so he changes to subject
"so Germany..." his voice trails off

I offer a gentle smile "who do you think sent him the YouTube videos?" I pause and study his face, for a moment I get distracted by his boyish features and charming brown eyes, "but don't worry he didn't tell me who you really were until last week"

Before he can respond his phone beeps "you should check it" I tell him
He nods and pulls out his phone "well that's my aunt, I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow at school"

I wave. I can't help but think he's different then the arrogant I get everything I want guy I pictured. Maybe this won't be as bad as what I originally thought.

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