Almost funny, again

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Peters POV
I know I've been trying to give y/n space for the past week or two so she could spend time with Tony, but I miss her; not that I'm going to tell her that. Although I want to know what she thinks about what happens last time we talked I want to let her figure that out in her time. Either way I feel like talking to her in person.

I knock on the door and except Mr. Stark or Y/n to open it but instead it's Happy "oh hi Happy"
"Hi Peter. What are you doing here?"
"Is Y/n home?"
"She's on the roof"
"Why? She could get hurt!"

Happy raises his eyebrows at me, I think I might have sounded a little too concerned.
"Never mind" I say quickly
"He definitely likes her a little more than friends" the other man, who I assume is Cornel Rhodes, says quietly to Happy

I run outside and climb up the wall to get to the roof; I don't even know how y/n got up there.
When I reach the top I see y/n sitting near the edge on a pile of pillows and I sit down near her "hi"
She smiles warmly at me "Hey Parker"

I feel my smile droop slightly, is there a reason she started calling me by my last name again? Does she just want to be friends? Am I just overthinking this?

"I kinda-" she pauses and her cheeks tint pink "I kinda missed you"
My heart stops beating for a moment "I missed you too"

She awkwardly looks up at the sky
"So what's up?" I ask hoping to make things a little less awkward

She slowly slips her hand in mine; maybe I do still have a chance "I really miss my mom today"

"Oh" I really don't know what to say other than that. I can't believe she even trusted me enough to say that. "I uh- I miss my mom some days too." I pause "She died before I got to meet her"
Y/n looks at me sincerely "I never met her but I know she'd be so proud of you. You really are the most amazing person I've met. You're so kind and caring and you always try to keep everyone safe even if that means you're not. You're my hero"

I feel my cheeks start to heat at her compliment. Hearing that come from her means the world to me. "Your mom would be proud of you too. Your the strongest person I know and the bravest. Even without powers, even without your suit you would go to any length to protect everyone, even a stranger. I always admired Tony but I admire you even more"

She smiles at me then laughs lightly "this conversation is too serious, do you want to take a walk?"
I help her to her feet "sure"

Y/n's POV
Me and Peter stroll down the street hand and hand talking about all kinds of things. For the first time I feel like just a normal teenager. Being around Peter makes me feel more genuinely happy then I have in a long time. At one less lit part of town Peter stops "Do you mind if I use the restroom really quick?"
"No, y/b/f/n called me while we were walking so I'll call her back"

He smiles and wanders off towards the bathroom as I pull out my phone. I dial y/b/f/n's number and start humming "This Town" while waiting for her to answer.

"Hey" I hear an unfamiliar deep voice say behind me. I turn around and see a tall man in a tattered black vans hoodie staring at me. "Give me your wallet and your phone"
I glance down at his hand and notice he's holding some kind of pocket knife, probably Swiss army. I throw him the flip phone I'm holding "I don't have a wallet"

His hooded eyes flick down to the 24k gold heart locket resting against my chest, "I'll take that, and make it quick" he says gesturing at my necklace with his knife
I put my hand over it protectively, it was moms "I can't do that"
"Look kid I'm not going to ask again. Give me the necklace"
"I said no, take the phone and go"

He lunges as me with the knife and though I deflect it he somehow manages to stab me in the butt
"Ow!" I continue to fight the knife away from him "that was a little uncalled for"

Thanks to Steve's self defense training I manage to wrestle the knife out of his hand and pin him to the ground. I press the knife, still covered in the blood from my butt, lightly against him neck before taking back my phone.

"I'm not going to ask twice. Leave"
I pull the knife away from his neck and he scurries away. As I throw the knife in the trash can Peter finally comes back out "sorry I took so long"

I shrug "it's alright. Can you take me to the hospital?"
He runs closer "are you alright what happened?"
"A guy tried to rob me and I got stabbed in the butt"

He stifles a laugh "what?"
"I got stabbed in the butt and I'm bleeding pretty badly can you please take me to the hospital?"
"of course" he lets out a little chuckle at the mildly humorous situation "you're never going to live this down"

I roll my eyes trying not to laugh too even though it was painful "you wouldn't find this so funny if you were the one who got stabbed in the butt"

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