Almost Normal

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After a few days everything goes back to normal, or almost normal at least, between me and Peter. I'm not sure what exactly happened the other day but I'm going to chalk it up to hormones. I wondered if I liked him or not but I know I can't for so many reasons, one of them being he would never like someone like me.

I'm happy to have him as a friend though, and I know he's going to make some lucky girl or guy very happy one day. I mean how couldn't he with his dorky little quirks and excellent taste in music, he's practically perfect; I, on the other hand, am basically a ugly rat you see in the street. One day I know someone's going to see how amazing he is, and I'll be happy for him, he deserves it.

Peter's POV
Y/n's been acting distant since Friday. I thought for a minute she liked me as much as I like her. It was stupid to think that even for a second. I look over at her, she looks 1,000 miles away as she gently plucks the cords on her guitar about 3 feet away from me. Even from over here I can smell the light scent of coconut coming from her hair.

There really isn't anything she can't do. She's practically perfect in every way while I'm over here like a ugly rat you see on the street. I'm lucky she even wants to be my friend. One day someone as amazing as her is going to give her the world just like she deserves; I wish it could be me.

After a few minutes of watching her play the guitar and hum 'Live While We're Young' I notice she's wearing a worn out Disney shirt. Most of the time I wouldn't find that odd but her clothes always seem new.
"When did you get that?" I ask gesturing to her shirt
She looks down and shrugs "a couple years ago. I got it on my first and only trip to Disney with my friend Harley Keener."
Harley Keener? She's never brought up a friend named that. She only ever talks about y/b/f/n.

"Whose Har-" before I can finish my sentence the door bell rings
"Can you get that?" She asks as she begins to strum again.

As soon as I open the door a potato flies and hits me in the face, just my luck.
Y/n practically flies off the couch to the door "Keener!" She yells as she gives the boy who looks about a year younger than us a hug
"I'm fine" I say to myself I guess since she didn't even seem to notice.

"Hi Y/n" the boy says before letting go
He comes over to me and helps me up "I'm sorry I thought you were y/n"
"You would hit Y/n in the face with a potato?"
Y/n walks over to us "Harley keener this is Peter Parker, Peter Parker this is Harley Keener"

Y/n's POV
Harley looks back and forth between me and Peter "I didn't know you had a boyfriend"

I look away not knowing whether to smile or not. Harley obviously thinks I'm good enough for Peter but I know I never will be "we're just friends"
"You don't look like 'just friends'"
I elbow him in the ribs and give him a stern look

Peter's POV
Harley pulls out a bag from Chick fil a "I brought you something"
Y/n's face lights up "is that chicken nuggets with-"
"Polynesian and sweet and spicy sriracha" he finishes as he hands her the bag

She takes it and runs off towards the kitchen "this is why your my favorite person keener"
He laughs "That's kind of sad"

I stare at her as she disappears through the doorway. For some reason her calling Harley her favorite person bothered me, I want to be her favorite person. I thought I was the only one she called by their last name and I liked that. I feel so jealous and I hate it.

"So why aren't you two dating?" Harley asks breaking me out of my trance
I shrug "we're just friends"
He sits down without breaking eye contact with me "but you clearly like her"

Why would he ever think she would like me? "Even if I did she would never like me"
"She looks at you like she looked at the chicken nuggets I just handed her"
I remain silent
"She seems genuinely happy for the first time since her mom died. You could always tell she was faking it before, she never was a very good liar"

"Her mom died?"
Regret passes over his face for a moment "I thought you knew"
I shake my head "I just knew she moved in with Mr. Stark when she was 8"
He breaks eye contact and looks off towards the kitchen "all I'm saying is you should give it a chance"
"I'd mess everything up" I say staring down at the carpet
"Maybe not. You wouldn't know until you tried; at least think about it"

I nod "How old are you again?"
"You're pretty smart for a kid"
"I know"

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