Uh Oh

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On the way to y/b/f/n's house I get a call from Peter. "Hey" I answer mustering up all the excitement I have left

"Hey Stark, what's up?" He replies, his normal smooth buttery voice rough from lack of sleep
"I'm on the way to y/b/f/n's house. I'm trying to figure out how the world now knows I'm Tony's daughter"
"You do have the same last name."
"So do thousands of other people"
"You sound like you need sleep"
"So do you"

I think our call cut off for a moment because he doesn't answer then I hear him sigh "I just miss you. It's been three weeks since I've seen you"
"I miss you too. As soon as I clear this up we can see each other again I just don't want to drag you into the spotlight"
"I appreciate it" he pauses "take care of yourself Stark, it'll be over soon"

I feel like I'm going to cry "bye" I say quickly before hanging up. It feels like it just all never ends. Sometimes I wish I could just be normal. I really wish mom were here now. I need her so much and she always knew what to do. As I mindlessly walk I realize I've arrived at her apartment complex already.

When I knock on the door her little brother answers. I guess maybe not so little now, he's 12, he really has grown up so fast.
I wipe the exhaustion from my face and force a smile "Hey Abe, is y/b/f/n home?"
"She's in her room"
I ruffle his hair "thanks"

I open the door to her room and sit down on her bed next to her "Hi"
"Hi y/n, how are you?" She answers
"Not great. Someone told the press I was Tony's daughter"
She sits upright "you don't think it was me do you?"
"I just want to know if you told anyone"
"Only my boyfriend but he promised he wouldn't tell anyone"
"What's his name?"
"You probably won't know him but his name is flash"
I groan "of course it is"
"You know him?"
She looks at me anxiously "I'm really sorry. I didn't know, I-"
I cut her off "it's fine. I just really need to go now"
"Ok. I really am sorry" she says as I get off the bed

I walk quickly back out of her apartment and towards the park. With all the thoughts swirling in my head I need to think.

As I walk around considering my next move a lady on a park bench stops me "y/n" she calls out. She must be a reporter. "Y/n y/l/n" she calls
I stop dead in my tracks. That was my mothers last name. The reporters don't know that. I wheel around to face her; she doesn't look familiar at all. "What?" I ask her

"Would you like to know how your mom died?"
I swallow a lump in my throat "I know how my mom died"
"But do you want to know why she got cancer?" She says. A chill runs down my spine. I never told her my mom had cancer, she simply knew.
"What do you want?" I croak "nothing comes for free"
"I need you to take the winter soldier file from-"
I hold my hand up cutting her off "I'm not interested"

"How about if I upped the deal?" She pauses and smiles smugly at me "it would be a real shame if your little friends Harley Keener or Y/b/f/n Y/b/f/l/n went missing, or if the world found out your little boyfriend was Spider-Man"
I clench my jaw "what do you want?"
She laughs humorously "always picking the people you love over yourself just like your mom"
"What do you want?" I repeat
"I want you to steal the winter soldier files from your father. "

"How long do I have?"
"8 hours or you can say goodbye to friends"
"You'll have your files"
"I better"

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