Almost Confusing

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As I listen to Sam laugh at how I landed in the hospital and Steve go on and on about whatever he's talking about I can't help but wish someone else was here. I love Sam and Steve but I can only take so much at once. They're so different but so similar at once. I know everyone else is in the hallway so why aren't they saving me? Really the person I wish was here is Peter.

The door bursts open nearly giving me a heart attack. "What happened?" Y/b/f/n yells bursting through the door. I raise my eyebrows at her. "I got a voicemail of some guy yelling at you and you weren't answering! I called Tony and his assistant answered; she said he was in the hospital with you! So I got my boyfriend to bring me here, and when I got here all the avengers except Captain America were in the hallway!" She says so quickly I can't believe I even understood her.

Sam scoffs "What about falcon? Was he in the hallway?"
"Who?" She asks confused
He huffs "I'm leaving" he gets up and dragging Steve out with him

"I'm fine, I just got stabbed in the butt" I tell her calmly
She laughs "what?"
"I only have to stay for a couple days so they can make sure it doesn't get infected" I pause "can we go back to the fact that you have a boyfriend?"

She sighs "I was going to tell you when I saw you but we've both been so busy"
"Didn't you and what's his face just break up?"
"His name is Alex and that was a month ago."
I nod
"Besides I really think it's going to work this time"
"You say that every time"
"Not all of us are just waiting for Prince Charming to magically come along, you have to look." She looks out the window and back at me

"you know Brandon was asking about you again"
I shake my head "I don't like Brandon he's annoying, besides I'm talking to someone already"
She raises her eyebrows at me "well that's a first"
I fight back a smile, "I really like him."

She checks her phone "I have to go home but you better tell me about this later"
"You know I will"

She scoops her coat off the chair and leaves the room. For the first time today the room is completely silent.

After a moment I hear the door slowly creak open and feel a presence enter the room. I open my eyes and see Peter awkwardly standing across the room in a suit jacket that's clearly too big for him. His hair seems almost slicked back but the baby curls in the front won't stay down.

I beam at him "what's the occasion?"
A small grin plays across his lips "I told you I'd take you on a real date"
"But I can't leave the hospital"
His big moonlike eyes sparkle "who ever said we were leaving the hospital?"

He finds the wheel chair and wheels me to a table set with a cheap tablecloth, styrofoam plates, and a plastic spork. I look up at him wheeling me to my spot questioningly and laugh "what are we doing?"

He smiles "you'll see in a minute" he looks around the table "wait I forgot something, I'll be right back" and just like that he darts out of the cafeteria leaving me in my wheelchair with a spork.

I start looking around the room and my eyes stop at Steve; he's gambling and drinking an adult beverage. That's really really weird. As I take in the situation I hear him loudly yell a curse word. I wheel myself over to the table in shock, "Steve what are you doing?"

"Who's Steve?" The guy I'm now realizing isn't Steve asks me. It's weird, he looks exactly like him but a little younger

"Who are you?" I awkwardly stutter
"I'm John Storm, I'm sure you've heard of me"
"I'm sorry I haven't. I thought you were someone else"
"You know, human torch"
"Never heard of you sorry"

I feel hands clasp the handles of my wheelchair and spin me around "What are you doing Y/n?" The real Steve yells
"I thought you-" I say gesturing to Steve's look alike
"Who's he?" Steve asks
"John Storm"
"Never heard of you"

Frustration passes over John's face "How come nobody knows who I am?"
"Cuz your irrelevant" I mumble

"I have" Peter says appearing at my shoulder "I'm parter peker" his cheeks tint a shade of pink that makes him look even more adorable "I mean I'm Peter Parker"

John nods at him approvingly
"Sorry my friends are bothering you, we'll get out of the way" he starts wheeling me away as Steve walks to where you order food
"you ready?" Peter asks

I glance over my shoulder to see Steve raising his eyebrows at me. He has a 'I see what's going on' look in his eyes paired with a crooked smile
"More than ready" I happily respond turning back to Peter. I'm really lucky to have him around even if it's only til he realizes he's too good for me.

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