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Bruce's POV
As I sit on the couch talking to Tony Y/n goes out the door humming. She's wearing jeans, vans, and a sweater that looks suspiciously like Peter's.

"Don't you think that was weird?" I interrupt
"What was?" Tony asks
"All of it"
Tony shrugs "she's probably going to meet her friends"
"She doesn't really have friends"

Tony's eyebrows press together "Do you think there's a boy?"
"I think we should at least ask her about it when she gets back"

Y/n's POV
As we get off the bus Peter grabs my hand excitedly and pulls me the the crowded street.
"Seriously where are we going?" I ask him trying to keep up
"You'll see when we get there" he says dragging me alongside of him. Even though he's pulling my arm it's very gentle.

He stops infront of a sign with a big flashing sign. I look back at him "why are we at a casino?"
He chuckles "not the casino" he points to a small arcade to the left of the casino "the arcade"
I flash him an eager smile "race you to ski ball"

We play games for two hours then head towards the counter to get prizes. All the sudden a bunch of paparazzi come in and come over to me.
"Y/n Stark how long has Tony Stark been hiding you?" And other such questions begin bombarding me

"Run" Peter says grabbing my hand.
The paparazzi chases us two blocks before we finally lose them. We finally stop and I look at Peter, his face is beet red. "How did they know?"
"Someone must have told them" he says leaning against the wall to catch his breath

I shrug "I guess this is the end of the date"
He pushes himself off the wall towards me "can I walk you home?"
I hold my hand out to him "I'd love that"

We walk towards my house slowly while talking. Eventually we come to an ally and hear a rustling in the trash. Peter jumps behind me
"It's a rat!" He says in a high pitched voice
I roll my eyes and giggle "my hero"

I slowly walk to the box and lift it with my foot expecting a giant rat to run out but instead I see a small grey puppy eating a moldy piece of something. I get down on my knees and put my hand out towards it. It walks to my hand visibly shaking, which makes sense it's freezing.

"What is it?" Peter asks
"I think it's some kind of pit bull" I stand up holding the puppy and turn towards Peter "Can we keep it?"
He sighs and pets it's head "I don't think Mr. Stark would like that"

I smile at him "We can keep him in the attic and play with him and take him outside when Tony isn't home. Tony works a lot so he'll have a lot of outside play time"
"You guys have an attic?"
"We actually have two but the other one has a big bird suit in it and it scares me"
"Fine but if we get caught-"
"We won't get caught"

On the way home we stop at pet smart for food and a collar then finish the walk to my house. At the door I stop him "I'll go in first. If there's nobody in there I'll come out and get you; if I don't come out come in through the back door"
He nods and takes the puppy and pet smart bag "got it"

As I slowly slip through the door I see Tony, Bruce, Clint, Sam, and Steve waiting for me.
Steve mouths 'sorry' to me. I think I know what this is about now.

I sigh "What? Nat couldn't make it?"
"I think she's on her way" Steve says just loudly enough for me to hear
"So who's the boy?" Tony asks casually but firmly
"What boy?" I say trying to be convincing
"Well there must be a boy. You've been going out more recently" Tony says
"And wearing jeans" Bruce adds
"And you don't have friends" Clint adds
I fake a chuckle "there's no boy"

The alarm beeps letting us no the back door has been opened and everyone turns around
"Um guys" I say trying to distract them. They don't turn back around
Peter quickly slips into the room and starts towards the stairs before he notices they're watching.

"That's the boy?" Sam says mildly disgusted "Of all people that one?"
I run the back of my neck "I-uh"
"It's better than her Bucky phase" Steve points out much to my embarrassment
Clint nods "she talked about him endlessly"

Peter awkwardly runs a hand through his hair. Can I go die now?

Sam shrugs "still better than her Niall phase"
Clint laughs "she was like in love with him"
Peters lips form a thin line; I can't tell what he's thinking but it can't be good.

Bruce narrows his eyes at Peter "is that a dog?"
"Where did you get it?" Tony asks about the dog innocently wagging its tail
"Peter was walking me home after a paparazzi incident I'll explain later and I found this little dude in the street" I say
Tony shakes his head "you can't keep it"
"Steve found Sam on the street and Steve got to keep him"
Tony laughs and Sam scoffs.

I use my hands to make a heart "sorry Sam, love you bro"
"Alright that was a good one, you can keep him, but you have to do all the caretaking" he says while still laughing
I nod vigorously "of course"
I grab Peter's hand and start running up the stairs excitedly

"They're cute together" I hear Nat say downstairs. I don't even know when she got here.

As we set the dog stuff out we don't really talk.
"What are we going to name him?" I ask pulling out the collar
He rolls his eyes "how about Niall since you seem to love him so much"
I smile knowing he's not actually upset "I like that"

After we finish unpacking I sigh and look at Peter "thanks for helping"
He smiles "I really enjoyed it; I love spending time with you"
I scoot closer to him "I love spending time with you too"

We lean in to each other and for a brief warm moment our lips meet, suddenly a voice bellows from the attic stairs "leave room for Jesus!"
We spring apart and lock eyes with Steve who is staring at us in horror

Peter rubs the back of his neck and clears his throat "ok see you tomorrow, I lo-" his eyes widen and he stops "look after Niall for me"
I giggle wondering what he was about to say "see ya Parker"

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