Sometimes love hits you in the face, sometimes you get hit in the face

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I sit in a blanket fort in the library to do my homework, I know nobody will bother me here.
"Y/n!" I hear Tony call from somewhere in the house. Maybe if I just ignore him he'll go away.
"Y/n!" He calls several more times
"I'm in the library!" I yell
"Y/n!" I hear him call again
"I said I'm in the library!" I shout at the top of my lungs

After a minute the door swings open and Tony pops his head in "I should have checked here first. You always loved it here."
I offer him a half smile wondering if he has a point.

"Would you like to come to lunch with me? Have some father daughter time? It's been too long"
"What's the catch?" I ask him suspiciously
He sighs "there's no catch. I'm sorry I let it get to the point you would think there is"
I shrug not letting my guard down yet "I guess so"
He smiles warmly "great"

The whole car ride is silent and when we get there we sit in our booth in awkward silence looking over the menu. After the server takes the order we're left staring at each other

"So uh how's Peter?" He asks me trying to strike up conversation
"I don't know. I haven't seen him in a couple days"
"that's weird"

"Yup" he pauses not knowing what to say. He begins studying my face before smiling sadly "you look just like her"
"Who?" I ask
"Your mother" he says more quietly
I look down at my hands on the table "oh"
"It was hard for me too when she died" his voice cracks, he hasn't genuinely shown this kind of emotion in a long time, "As hard as it may be to believe she was the first person I ever really loved"
I hold back tears "then why weren't you there?"
"To watch me grow up" I look back up at him "or when she died?"
A single tear slides down his cheek "I wish I was kid"

I remain silent and continue to look at him. He sighs "She never told me she was pregnant, she just up and left. Then 9 years later I get a call, or Pepper did I guess, that she had passed away and telling me about taking care of daughter."
I feel my eyes well up with tears "but that still doesn't explain why you haven't really been a part of my life up til now"
"I'm sorry, I wish I could change it." He pauses "I guess I just wasn't ready to be a dad, but I'm ready now. I'd really like to get to know you better"

"Yeah well it might be too late now" I mumble as I get up from the table and walk out the door into the brisk fall air. I begin walking away from the restaurant, I don't know where but anyplace is better than here.

Peter's POV
After a long day doing a group project at the library with people I don't like I finally get back home. I keep thinking about texting Y/n. I needed some space to think about what Harley said, not that she knew that, and I think I'm ready to take my chances. Problem is I don't know what to say. I shake my head as I open the door to my bedroom, maybe tomorrow. I just can't today I'm too nervous.

I look at the bed that I've been wanting to come back to all day. I glance at the pile of clothes on it and jump realizing it's not a pile of clothes. It looks like a person.

When I get closer I realize it's Y/n. I don't know why she's here or why she's sleeping on my bed
"Y/n?" I ask softly hoping to wake her
Her y/e/c eyes slowly open and meet mine before she sits up.
"What are you doing here?" I ask her
"I was sad and I went for a walk and somehow ended up here. Then your aunt said you weren't home and I could wait in your room and I must have fallen asleep"

I quietly sit down on the bed next to her.
Her cheeks flush a little "I'm sorry for just showing up I can go now if you want"
All the sudden I feel nervous again "Uh no. I wanted to see you anyway"
She smiles at me and my stomach flips just it always does. I take a deep breath, I'm going to do it.
"I really- I like you" we say say simultaneously
She awkwardly laughs "well at least I didn't have to overthink while I waited for you to say something"

We both stare at each other for a minute before unconsciously leaning in. Ned bursts through the door right before our lips meet "leave room for Jesus" he shouts making us accidentally bump foreheads.
"Ow" Y/n exclaims as she pulls away

It finally hits Ned what was going on "oh. Sorry. I'll go. You just- continue" he closes the door quickly and we hear him walk away
Y/n laughs "well that happened"

I smile fondly at her "talk about a moment ruiner"
"Well I should probably head home" she gives me a quick hug "see you tomorrow Peter"
Somehow I liked her calling me Peter even more than her calling me Parker.

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