Welcome to Paradise

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Vic's POV

I stared at the clock. It was just past four in the morning. I was exhausted but I couldn't sleep. I needed to write more songs for the album, but I was stuck.

I looked over at Robyyn asleep on the bed. She looked so peaceful. It amazed me that she could sleep with her headphones in.

I checked her phone to see what song was playing. I chuckled. I've Given Up On You by Real Friends. "Ironic" I thought to myself.

I started to play it on guitar.

It's four am and you're keeping me from closing these sleepy eyes
Does the thought of me keep you up at night

I stared at the blank paper that was supposed to be lyrics.

I need to get away I thought to myself. But I can't just leave Robyyn... She's why I came back....

I decided to text my producer friend Mark.

Vic: Hey man it's Vic... Sorry to text you so late.... But do you still have that house on the island? I've been having writers block and I need somewhere to get away to get the lyrics flowing. Mind if I borrow it?

He replied almost instantly.

Mark: Yeah man! Go for it. I'm actually in the UK right now. I'm working with Bring Me so I'll be out here for a while. Just go next door to Jacob's and tell him that I let you borrow the place. I'll let him know you're coming. I'll send you the Address later.

Vic: Alright man thanks. I owe you.

Mark: No problem. Have fun.

I got on my laptop and looked for plane tickets.

The next flight was at seven... If I woke up Robyyn now we could make it time.

I grabbed a monster from downstairs and then decided to wake her up.

"Robyyn, darling. Wake up, I have a surprise for you."

She lifted her head. "Huh?"

"Hey pack up we're getting away for a while."

She looked at me confused.

"I'll explain when we're at the airport come on."

She got up and I handed her the monster.

"Pack tropical" I said. "Oh and be ready by 5:30 I want to get breakfast."

I could see her nod as she walked into the closet.

"Oh and I don't know how long we're staying so you might want to pack a lot of outfits."

She said something but I couldn't make out what it was because she was so tired.

At about 5:15 Robyyn said she was ready.

I looked at her stuff. "You are not ready."

She groaned.

"You might want to pack your paints and camera and things like that. I don't know if there's wifi. Plus you're still in your pajamas." I said.

She looked down. "Oh yeah."

I chuckled. "You are not a morning person."

"Nope." she agreed.

"Well hurry up or else we'll be late. I wanted to pick up breakfast tacos."

She nodded again.


After we made it past security Robyyn was finally waking up.

"Where are we going anyway?" She asked.

"You mean you haven't noticed yet?"


"Oh. We'll you'll see." I said smiling at her and putting my hand on her lap.

"Flight 409 to Hawaii is now boarding" said the lady on the intercom.

I got up. "That's us."

Robyyn looked at me in shock. "No fucking way."

I smirked. "Yes way. Now come on I got us first class tickets."

Even more shock. "OhMyGod Vic!"

I smiled. "Come on Darling. We're gonna be late."

She walked to the terminal in shock. Tired. But shocked.

When we finally got situated in our seats Robyyn immediately fell asleep on me. I chuckled. She was not a morning person.

As soon as the plane took off I slowly drifted into unconsciousness.


I woke up to Robyyn poking my face while continuously saying Vic or babe.

I smiled at her. "Yes love?"

"We're here" she said. I could see the excitement in her eyes.

When we got off the plane we were greeted by the locals. "Aloha. Welcome to Kauai!" They would say as they placed a lei around your neck.

Robyyn was so amazed. She looked like a little girl at Disney World. All I could do was smile at her. Damn I loved her.

Before we did anything I rented a car (Robyyn insisted on getting a jeep, so I did) and headed to the store to stock up on food and other necessities. After that we drove for quite some time until we got to Mark's.

Mark's place was incredible. It had three levels, with a giant kitchen and living room on the first, two bedrooms and a home studio on the second, and the master on the third. The master was awesome. It took up the whole third story and it had a huge deck. The deck had a hot tub and several chairs to tan in. The best part was that his house sat in the middle of 10 acres of land, so that meant no neighbors to worry about. And complete privacy. And the closest town was twenty minutes away and it was tiny. I could really get used to this.

"You know" I said after unpacking. "I might just buy this place from Mark."

Robyyn laughed. "It is amazing."

"Not as amazing as you"

She blushed.

"Hey there's a pool out back too" Robyyn said.

"No there isn't...."

But there was. A little way back hidden behind some trees was a giant pool and another hot tub. This place kept getting better and better.

"How long are we staying?" Robyyn asked.

"Don't know love. I need to finish writing."

She made a face. "oh"

"But I promise to take as long as possible" I said pulling her in.

"You better. Now I'm gonna start dinner. When are you gonna start writing again?"

"Next week."

She smiled. "So a week until you lock yourself into the studio?"

"Yes ma'am. After dinner wanna check out his private beach?"

"There's a private beach? This place is amazing. Let's move here."

I chuckled. "I wish."

I watched her cook. Even with no make up, her hair wavy from the humidity, and an outfit she just threw together, she still looked beautiful. And as I watched her cook I realized something; I was in love with Robyyn. I had never been happier than when I was with her.

I kissed her cheek. "I love you"

"I love you too"

"I love you most"

She smiled and continued to cook.

'I never want to lose this girl' I thought to myself. 'I'm gonna marry her someday'.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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