Love Drunk

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Robyyn's POV

I woke feeling like I was getting stabbed in the head.

I tried sitting up only to hit my head.

Where the fuck am I? I thought to myself as Everything in my world got slowly into focus.

Oh Vic's bunk. What the fuck am I wearing? I had somehow managed to change into one of Vic's shirts and a pair of pajama pants.

I was dazed and confused and extremely hung over. And I really wanted to know what happened last night.

I got out of the bunk and headed out with everyone.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" Mike said jokingly.

"What the actual fuck happened last night?" I said holding my head in my hands.

"You tried drinking away your problems" Tony said not looking away from playing FIFA. "Vic stayed up with you all night making sure you wouldn't do anything that would be dangerous to you or anyone else."

"Oh..." I said looking away. I felt horrible. I didn't know how someone who barley knew me could care so much....

"He's still asleep in the back. You can go talk to him if you want" Jaime said also playing FIFA.

"I will. Wait where's Skye?" I asked.
"Asleep in my bunk" said Jaime. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"She better not be pregnant" I said walking away.

"Nothing happened Robyyn" Jaime said as I walked into the back.

I walked in on Vic asleep on a couch.

Hmmm should I wake him up? I thought to myself. I think yes!

I poked his nose and kept my finger there. I didn't say anything because I was scared that he would be hung over also.

His eyes opened and he instantly smiled.

"Good you're okay" he said smiling.

"Hung over but okay" I said smiling back. "So ummm what exactly happened last night?"

"Well as soon as you got to the bus you started drinking like crazy. Mixed drinks, beer, straight shots. At first we just thought you were partying because you seemed really happy but as you continued to drink you started to tear up through the smile. I could tell something was wrong but you just kept drinking. I stayed up with you to make sure you didn't do anything that could potentially hurt you or someone else. I even took your phone away thinking that you would drunk text someone."

"Oh...." I said. "All that happened last night...?"

"Yep. You went to sleep crying too. I tried comforting you but you kept saying 'I fucking loved him' and sobbing into my shoulder."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay Robyyn. We all break down" he smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Let's get some water in you. It's not good to be dehydrated."

We walked out of the back room and Vic handed me a water bottle.

Skye had woken up while we were back there. And, well, Skye being Skye she said "OOOO GIRL SOMEONE GOT SOME LAST NIGHT. YOU BETTER NOT BE PREGNANT"

"Skye nothing happened. I was just taking to him. And please no yelling I'm super hung over." I said cringing at the noise.

"Okay okay. But drink water" she said then went back to talking to Jaime.

I drank my water and sat on the ground while Tony and Vic played FIFA against each other.

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