Chapter 12

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McKennas POV

The next day I decided to sleep in until 1pm. Just to make sure I was well rested for the night. Plus the flight was at 8am tomorrow morning so I figured I could just sleep on the plane. I did my usual morning routine only it was now afternoon and headed downstairs

"Hello sleeping beauty" Marissa chanted as she finished off cleaning the house. I greeted back and sat at the bench chugging down a big glass of water

"Are you sure I can leave early today hun?" I have told Marissa it was ok for her to finish up around 1/2 just so she didn't feel obliged to feeling like she needed to help set up for the party.

"It's ok Marissa, you need rest" she nodded as she pulled up a chair next to me

"Now are you all packed for your flight tomorrow?"

"Yup, all done"

"Are you su-"

"I'm positive, I swear Marissa you've got stop worrying about me" I cut off causing her to smile

"Hey" Leo walked in all ready for the day. He must've been up early today
He started grabbing ingredients out of the fridge, then grabbed some bread to make a sandwich

"I can make that sir" Marissa scrambled to get out of her seat

"You can call me Leo you know" he chuckled "I'm ok, you go home the house is fine" Marissa nodded and grabbed her belongings

"Ok I'll go, please stay safe in Mexico, call me if you need anything" she said pulling me into a tight hug. I tapped on her shoulder

"I can't breath" she laughed and pulled away "I'll be fine, I'll message you as soon as I land" she nodded and looked over at Leo

"Look after her Leo" she said as she walked out

"Always!" He said loud enough for her to hear. And with that she shut the door

"You want one?" I shook my head as he pointed at his sandwich

"Have you eaten anything?" I shook my head again as I tried to wake myself up

"Come on you need to eat something"

"I don't usually eat before Parties or a night out, it makes me bloat" I said scrunching my nose.

"You're kidding me, I'm making you a sandwich"

"NO Leo it's quite alright, I've done this so many times"

"Suit yourself" he started to stuff his mouth.

It was 5pm when I was upstairs getting ready for the party. I curled my hair and applied makeup. This took up 3hrs of my time meaning it was now 8pm and people were due to arrive soon. I rushed into my wardrobe looking at all the dresses I owned. Ofcourse I packed all of my fav dresses. I settled on a black mini dress that had spaghetti straps and lace trimming at the chest. I chucked on my YSL heels and then started to head out the door. Running into Leo who was exiting his room at the same time

"Shit sorry" he mumbled. We locked eyes and he smirked looking me up at down. I swear this boy was checking me out

"You look nice" he softly said causing me to blush. He was wearing a yellow sweater, black jeans that had a chain hung from the belt strap to his pocket. Basic I know but he did look really hot. Ugh I can't believe I thought that

"You scrub up alright" I smiled and made my way downstairs.

While we were getting ready Ava insisted on decorating the house. I couldn't say no, it was one less thing i had to stress about. There were already some people downstairs. Girls sitting with Kristen who I assumed is her friends and some of the cast floating around downstairs. I took in our surroundings, Leo doing the same.

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