Chapter 35

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McKennas POV

Todays now Thursday which meant tomorrow I was off to New York. Leo and i were seated out on the lounge beds soaking in the sunlight. I was trying to soak in as much of the sun as possible before fall hits

"Did you see the pics from our date night in Mexico?" I questioned as I put my long brown hair into a high pony

"You're still on that?" Leo said as he started biting his nails

"It's hard to miss it, everywhere I turn there's a magazine with with us on it...even the other day when we went bowling with tobey and Kate there seemed to be people taking pictures of us"

"Welcome to my life, just got to act like they're not there sometimes" I nodded as I shield my eyes from the sun. It's hard for me to not notice them when they're in my face with a camera flash. I didn't realise they cared enough

"At least the hate has died down a bit.. I'm starting to not care as much after finding out what Ava has said.. clearly they have a motive for giving me this much hate"

"And that is?" Leo smirked

"I don't know to get some dumb movie star" I giggled causing him to throw the cushion at me

"Hey I can't choose who I fall for, it just happens"

"Oh so you're falling for me now" I don't know how I asked him so casually as I got so nervous at the thought. We didn't exactly talk about our feelings after admitting to them back in Mexico and I liked it that way

"I think I am to be honest" he gave me a soft grin and I felt my face heat up. I didn't say anything. How could I tell him I was falling for him as-well

"Have you finished packing?" Leo said abruptly to change the subject

"Almost I just have a couple more things to pack"


"Oh just my makeup, some more clothes and? I think that's it really" he stood up and held out a hand for me to grab and pulled me up

"Let's go, I'll help you pack"

We were now in my room. I sat at the edge of the bed as I watched him sit at my vanity pulling random things out

"Do you need this brush thingie"


"And this cream"

"That is what you call Foundation...but yes please, I actually need all of those brushes" I said pointing at the holder, he just stared at them

"You need all of this?"


"But they're pretty much all the same just different sizes"

"That's the point" I gave him an obvious look "why are you so eager to get me all packed up, are you trying to get rid of me quicker?" I said laughing. He zipped up the makeup bag and then placed it in my suitcase

"No I want to take you out tonight"

"Oh is that so Mr dicaprio" I smiled giddily

"Yes so this will be date number 2" he held up two fingers

"Ok I guess I could go. my packing is all done now"

"That was the plan" he smirked "but I want you to get ready now"

"Now? I've got to do my hair and my makeup too..." I looked down at my suitcase realising he's packed it all up

"Oh what a shame I've actually packed away your makeup" he gave me a sly smirk. He knew exactly what he was doing

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