Chapter 34

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McKennas POV

We were back in LA now. We only arrived two days ago. I had a quick shower when I woke up and waltz down to the kitchen for breakfast. I was wearing Leo's yellow sweater and bike shorts. Nothing to fancy as I didn't plan on going out today.

"Do you want a coffee Kenna?" Marissa asked as she pulled a mug out

"Yes please" she started to pour the coffee and that's when Leo walked in

"Good morning beautiful ladies" he chanted as he gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Howd you sleep?"

"Pretty rough actually, it feels weird being in my own bed again after all these months"

"Yeah it does doesn't it?" Leo pondered. all of a sudden we hear a smashing sound. Leo immediately rushing to Marissas aid as she dropped my coffee. I had a delayed reflex but I soon got up and stood by the scene

"Oh Marissa are you ok? Are you burnt?" I said as I crouched down beside her

"I'm sorry Kenna"

"It's just coffee I don't care, as long as you're ok" I smiled at her to calm her down. She stood up and dusted her apron off, luckily not getting any coffee on it. She watched as Leo and I playfully nudge each other as we picked up the broken porcelain on the floor

"Hmm" she hummed thoughtfully. Leo and I looked at her as her eyes dances between the two of us

"You two are acting strange... are you two together now?!" She said excitedly. We both stood up awkwardly. Leo scratching the back of his neck as he licked his lips more

"Uuuh yes and no, we're just seeing how it goes" Marissa jumped up and down and clapped causing Leo to snort and laugh

"And your father knows of this?" I nodded

"I'm just so happy to see this with my very own eyes, I've waited so long for this to happen"

"Is that so?" I walked back to my seat at the table

"Yes! We all wanted this to happen, especially your mother!" Marissa said as she cleaned up the spill

"We hated each other for so long I don't know what you were thinking... besides we're not anything yet"

"All in good time sweetie" Marissa chanted. Leo looked at me and stuck his tongue out. I scrunched my face up at him causing him to chuckle as he walked in my direction

"I'm hanging out with Tobey and Kate today if you want to tag along?" He asked

"As much as I would love to I've got some stuff to sort out today"

"Music?" He questioned as I shook my head. I managed to get in touch with Ava finally. Actually yesterday I ran in to her whilst on my run. She claimed she was in a hurry but said she'd come over today.

"No just some other stuff that needs to be taken care of" I shot a smile. Leo shrugged and didn't bother to question anymore knowing I wouldn't budge. You could see he was still curious in the way he furrowed his brows together

"Well I'm going to go meet up with them now, I'll see you later....bye Marissa!" He squeezed my shoulder and left.

It's been a couple of hours, me waiting around for Ava to come. I was starting to think she's isn't coming at all

"What are you doing honey? You should be out soaking up the sun"

"Yeah but I'm waiting for Ava she said she'd come around today" Marissas face dropped to concern

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