Chapter 1

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Here she was moving back to the US. Her parents had moved them to Ireland when she was still in high school. Her Senior year as a matter of fact. It had taken her a while to get used to being in Ireland and how they did things. Her parents wanted her to become something useful to society, and she had always enjoyed helping others, so she opted to go to medical school to become a doctor. Her father did some unscrupulous things from time to time. She had barely graduated from medical school and had finished her internship when her father asked her to the SAMBEL clubhouse. It confused her as to why since she didn't associate with the club at all. When she arrived with her mother, who seemed lost in her own thoughts and a little upset, she walked over to where her father stood with several of the bikers. He gave her a warm smile and a hug when she approached.

"Sweetie, this is the charter's prez Seamus and their VP Luther. I've already made all the arrangements all you have to do is get on a plane." Her father stated making her very confused.

"Say what? I don't get it." She stated making the two men laugh.

"So, you didn't even tell 'er what was going on, eh?" Seamus laughed making her a little irritable to be the brunt of their jokes.

"They've helped me out with a problem and I couldn't pay them back. So in exchange, I've agreed to let you be one of their 'ol ladies. All the club members here already have 'ol ladies so we're sending you out to California to be the 'ol lady of one of the members there. His name is Filip Chibs Telford. He's Scottish too but I think you two will get along great. Your plane leaves this evening since it's a long flight." Her father finally explained to her making her angry.

"You can't just push me off on someone like I'm a fucking puppy! Don't I get a say in this!?" She yelled angrily.

"No. Not this time. Your mother has all your clothes and toiletries packed up already. Go home and pack up whatever else you might want to take with you." Her father stated making her roll her eyes and groan.

Her mother took her back to their house so she could finish packing for her move to California. She was steaming mad at the prospect of just being pushed off on someone without her consent. She was essentially marrying someone she didn't know and didn't know if she could trust him or not. She had never really wanted anything to do with the bikers knowing they did illegal things. Although she was no angel, all her brushes with the law were stupid teenage pranks and the like. She sighed as she made her way into her bedroom once they made it home. All her clothes had indeed already been packed for her. Now it was up to her to pack up her music, movies, and the other things she couldn't live without. Moving sucks especially when you're moving to a different country! At least she knew mostly what to expect unlike when her father moved them to Ireland!

Once all her bags had been packed, her mom expected her to help her with dinner. She'd be taking her to the airport and dropping her off. She did all she could to help with dinner although she didn't feel much like eating. Her mom forced her to figuring she wouldn't get good food until she made it to California. Seamus had reassured her dad, who then reassured her, that the guy who she was about to become his 'ol lady was a great guy and that he was very gentle and loving towards his partners. It didn't really ease her apprehension much as they sat through dinner with her dad telling her what little he knew about her soon-to-be 'ol man. Her Mom didn't bother with cleaning up from dinner since she had to be at the airport soon. They gathered her bags and my dad gave her a hug before they left. She was nervous at this meeting but there was nothing she could do about it. It was happening whether or not she agreed with how things were turning out. She just sighed as they drove along. Her mother didn't seem too thrilled with what her father was doing either but remained quiet.

Her mother helped her get all her bags out of the trunk of her car before turning to her. They hugged tightly before she had to take her bags and head into the airport. Her father had paid extra for having the extra bags with her and she wasn't sure how she was going to get all these bags to wherever she was to meet her 'ol man at. Her father had given her the address of where he worked and said she should stop by there first when she arrived making her groan. She checked in all her bags except her carry-ons and headed to the security line to get to the right gate. Security was such a pain as she stood there impatiently waiting. It was a long flight and she wasn't looking forward to it. Once she got settled in her seat, she began to wonder about this man. How old was he? Was he looking forward to having an 'ol lady? Did he have a house of his own? Did he cook? What was she expected to do within the household? Would he mind her getting a job at the local hospital?

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