Chapter 2

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Gemma left the office and lit a cigarette as she stared at the new woman. Neveah tried to ignore the other woman's presence as best as she could. The much older woman sat down next to her and turned her attention to Neveah.

"I'm Gemma. What's your name?" Gemma inquired.

"Neveah Bradshaw. Nice to meet you." Neveah replied.

"Never heard of that name before. It's different." Gemma stated making Neveah smile and nod.

"It's different but it's my name. I've had it my whole life." Neveah chuckled nervously.

"Can I ask you what you wanted with Chibs earlier?" Gemma got straight to the point.

"I was sent here to be his 'ol lady by SAMBEL. My dad couldn't repay a debt so they made a deal." Neveah shrugged.

"I see. Think you can handle being his 'ol lady?" Gemma inquired.

"I guess we'll find out, won't we?" Neveah retorted.

"You know you're gonna have to beat off the crow eaters." Gemma told her earning a raised eyebrow in return making Gemma smirk.

The elder woman told Neveah all about the crow eaters and how things usually went at the Friday and Saturday night parties. Neveah just nodded her head as she listened to what was being explained to her. She'd have to crack some skulls since she was officially Chibs' 'ol lady apparently. Neveah was a pretty laid back individual and usually went with the flow. However, her temper did flare up when someone messed with what she believed to be hers. Going to these parties was going to be interesting to say the least if what Gemma had told her had been right. Gemma couldn't wait to see how Neveah acted at the next party. Would she keep the crow eaters away from Chibs? How would she react to all the scantily clad women roaming around the premises? Gemma wasn't convinced Neveah was 'ol lady material but SAMBEL had bargained for her so SAMCRO was stuck with her. Neveah just watched what was going on around her as Gemma finally got up and headed back into her office.

Around five pm, most of the bikers began filtering to the office to clock out for the day. Chibs gave her a warm smile and nodded his direction. She stood up and followed him to his bike. He slid on first leaving her standing there. He realized she didn't know how to climb on so he instructed her how to get on. She used his shoulder as leverage as she swung her leg over to climb on. Once she was settled with her arms uncomfortably wrapped around his waist, he took off for her new home. The home she was now sharing with this strange man. He did intrigue her but she wasn't going to say anything to him. Just as before, the ride didn't take very long. He pulled up in front of his house and shut the engine off. He told her to climb off first which she did then watched as he climbed off. They walked to the front door where he opened it up for her. He told her to get comfortable then asked if she wanted anything to drink. She asked if he had any sweet tea which he did. Having their drinks, he got settled on the couch with her and turned his body towards her.

"'ow old are ya, lass? What made ya wanna go t' medical school?" Chibs inquired.

"I'm thirty-two. I've always loved helping people and my parents encouraged me to become something useful to society so I decided on getting a medical degree. I went to school to be a trauma surgeon so it took me a while to earn my degree." She explained.

"I see. Tara is doing 'er best t' get ya in at St. Thomas. Give it a couple days and you'll 'ear something from them." Chibs told her.

"Who's Tara?" Neveah finally asked.

"Oh. That's Jax's wife. She's a doctor at St. Thomas." Chibs informed her.

"Oh, ok." Neveah stated.

"What do ya do for fun?" Chibs asked.

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