Chapter 9

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The chicken was done frying and sitting on a platter, the corn was done and was in a large bowl, the green bean casserole was nearly done baking, so she put the rolls in the toaster oven to heat up before setting the table. As hard as she tried to focus on her tasks, her mind kept going back to the conversation she'd had with her parents and how they had dared call her a bad daughter because she wasn't willing uproot her life for a second time to be with a man she didn't know. 'They ought to be lucky I like Chibs or I would have really given them an earful!' she thought as she refilled her tea glass. Once the rolls were heated to her satisfaction and the casserole was done, she moved all the food to the table and called all the men to dinner. Quinn, as usual, told her how great everything looked making her smile at him and tell him "thanks".

Chibs made sure to keep the conversation away from Neveah's parents and what had transpired earlier. He did make a mental note to ask his I/O to check into her parents again and track them. Where they were staying, how long they planned to stay, how they were getting around. He didn't want them anywhere near his 'ol lady. Quinn and Tig had her laughing at stories of patch-over parties and the debauchery that went along with it. Chibs was happy to see his 'ol lady relaxing again. After dinner, he told her to go take herself a hot bubble bath and he'd get everything put away and cleaned up. His brothers walked into the living room for their after dinner smoke and to wait for Chibs. Tig was sure Neveah's parents were going to try something else while they were in town and didn't think it was safe for her to be alone while they were. Happy was sure he'd be putting more smiley faces on his stomach before long with the way things had gone with Neveah's parents. Despite not feeling stressed, the hot water of her bubble bath did feel good as she sunk down into the tub. It was moments like this she was glad to have such and understanding man.

Once Chibs was done in the kitchen, he joined his brothers in the living room. They were all quiet as they sat there smoking and drinking their beers. Suddenly Tig piped up asking what they were all thinking.

"So, do you think her parents are going to leave her alone now?"

"No. I don't think they plan on leaving 'ere without 'er." Chibs replied with a deep sigh.

"You can't let them take off with your 'ol lady, brother. They sent her here for you and now they want to take her back? She's not property." Quinn added his two cents into the conversation.

"Oh, I 'ave no intentions o' letting 'em take 'er back! I'll kill 'em both before that 'appens." Chibs retorted earning a satisfied head nod from Happy.

"They've got some nerve to come here demanding she go back to Ireland to be someone else's 'ol lady." Tig huffed.

"Tell me about it. She was sent 'ere for me because 'er father couldn't repay a debt to SAMBEL and bargained for 'er t' be someone's 'ol lady. No one there wanted or needed one, so they sent 'er 'ere for me. Now they want 'er t' go back t' be with someone else? It's insulting t' 'er and infuriating!" Chibs explained.

"I feel ya, brother! Remember, we've all got your back. None of us are gonna let them take her away from you. She's our family now too." Tig told his brother earning a smile in return.

"Thanks, Tigger. I appreciate that." Chibs said.

After her bath, she got ready for bed then stretched out on the bed watching TV. She figured Chibs wanted some time with his brothers. Truth was, she didn't feel very socialable at the moment. She was laughing at the show she was watching when Chibs made his way into the room. He asked how she was doing making her smile sadly at him and tell him she was fine although she wasn't up to being very socialable. He nodded and told her if she needed anything to let him know. She promised she would before he left her alone again. It was close to ten pm when Tig, Quinn, and Happy decided to head back to the clubhouse. Tig reminded his brother that if they needed anything to just let them know. Chibs thanked his brothers before shutting and locking the door. He turned off all the lights then made his way to the bedroom. Neveah had already fallen asleep making him smile before he stripped down for bed. They had gotten used to one another so he slept in his boxers these days instead of PJ bottoms.

Sometime in the middle of the night, something caught Neveah's attention. She sat up listening to see what she could hear. When she realized someone was in their home, she shook Chibs awake. After listening for a moment or two, he handed his phone to her and instructed her to call Tig. She quickly dialed his number and prayed he'd answer as Chibs took the gun from the nightstand.

"Do you know what time it is, man?" Tig huffed.

"Tig, I'm sorry to wake you in the middle of the night. Chibs told me to call. It sounds like there's people in the house. Please help." She explained.

"We'll be right there, Doll. Don't panic, ok?" Tig stated as he started to get dressed.

"Thank you so much!" She whispered.

Tig hung up then went to wake up a grumpy Happy and Quinn. He explained the situation. Both men were happy to help their brother out. They dressed quickly and rushed out of the clubhouse to their bikes. Tig hoped they made it in time to stop whatever was happening at Chibs' house. When they arrived, the found the window to the front door had been broken. Glass was everywhere on the inside. The trio crept through the house until they heard a commotion in the master bedroom. They rushed down the hall to see what was going on. When they came to the doorway, they found Neveah's father fighting with Chibs over control of Chibs' gun and Neveah's mother literally fighting her daughter.

"You're coming with us whether you like it or not!" Neveah's mother shouted.

"Over my dead body you old worn out hag!" Neveah shouted back making her mother slap her across the face.

"Alright both of you just stop right there." Tig aimed his gun at Neveah's father while Happy had his gun aimed at the mother.

"We're taking her back to Ireland where she belongs." Her father stated.

"You were told she isn't going anywhere. You didn't wanna listen so now we're gonna do things our way." Tig told the pair.

"You wouldn't dare kill us. People will come looking for us you know!" Neveah's father confidently stated.

"Yeah? And I'll lie and said I never saw you. Probably ran afoul of some gang in Modesto or somewhere as you got lost not being from California." Neveah piped up making her mother gasp.

"You wouldn't!" Neveah's mother gasped.

"Try me, bitch." Neveah simply stated.

"Let's go." Tig said before Neveah's father tried to get Chibs' gun again.

Happy had enough and shotNeveah's father in the leg making her mother scream. Neveah held her back asChibs went to get rope for the pair. Neveah looked over at Tig and told thesmall group to do whatever was necessary. Happy just nodded making her mothergasp again. Quinn helped Chibs tie up Neveah's parents then get them out to theawaiting van that Quinn had driven. Happy told the blond to take them straight tothe cabin. Quinn nodded in understanding before sliding into the driver's seat.Happy promised Chibs that things would be handled and that her parents wouldn'tbe bothering them again. Chibs thanked his brother before he and Tig took offto follow Quinn. 

Chibs made a mental note to get it fixed first thing the following day. Neveah was so shaken up, she wasn't sure she'd be able to go back to sleep or not. Absent-mindedly following him back to the bedroom, she sighed figuring she knew what the bikers were going to do to her parents. It wasn't the ending she was hoping for but she also knew they'd never leave her alone about going back to Scotland with them. Chibs put his gun back in the bedside table drawer and got settled back in bed. He turned the light off after putting his phone on the charger. He fell asleep quicker than she did. After a lot of tossing and turning, she finally drifted off to sleep.

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