Chapter 10

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A/N: This is gonna get long as I wrap this short story up. I hope you've enjoyed it so far!

She woke up the next morning and felt strange. There was an arm wrapped around her waist, and arm under her head, and hot breath on her neck. Her back felt warm. For a moment she was confused until she realized Chibs had snuggled up to her in the middle of the night. It made her smile as she slid out from his grasp. He moaned in his sleep bringing another smile to her face. She padded her way to the bathroom to empty her bladder before she started on breakfast. As she was deciding what to make, there came a knock at the door. She sighed wondering who it could be. She cautiously opened the door to find Tig and Quinn standing there. She flashed them a warm smile as she moved to let them in.

"Chibs is still sleeping but I'm starting on breakfast if you wanna stay." She informed the pair.

"I'll never say no to your cooking!" Tig stated making her laugh.

They walked into the kitchen together where she offered them a cup of coffee since it was finally done. Each man poured himself a cup then moved to sit at the dining table to await their brother. Having two other people to feed, she thought omelets and bacon was a good choice for breakfast. As she was getting out all the ingredients she wanted to use, Chibs made his way into the kitchen. He kissed her cheek before making himself a cup of coffee. Tig nodded in greeting as Chibs walked to the dining table and sat down.

"Morning, brother." Quinn greeted Chibs.

"Mornin'. What brings ya by this mornin'?" Chibs asked.

"We just came to see how you two were doing this morning. And to let you know her parents have been dealt with. They won't be bothering her again." Tig explained.

"I feel asleep pretty quick but I think she had a harder time going back t' sleep." Chibs stated, "And thanks for handlin' the problem for me."

"It was no problem, brother. We were happy to help." Quinn replied.

Neveah was making the omelets and letting the bacon sizzle in a skillet while the men chatted at the table. She tuned them out as she worked, sipping on her coffee every so often. Once the food was ready, she slid each omelet onto a plate, put several pieces of bacon on each plate, then slowly brought them to the table. Tig and Quinn quickly thanked her earning a smile in return. She brought her and Chibs' plates next along with her cup of coffee before having a seat to enjoy breakfast. Chibs told her he was going to stay at the house and get the front door fixed before he went to work earning a head nod in return since she had a mouthful of omelet. He offered to clean up from breakfast so she could get ready for work earning a smile in thanks. She put her dishes in the dishwasher before walking down to the bedroom to get a quick shower. Tig and Quinn brought their dishes to the dishwasher to help their brother. Since Chibs and Neveah seemed to be ok, Tig told the medic they'd see him at the shop. Chibs thanked the pair for coming over to check on them before they left to head to work.

Chibs quickly cleaned up the kitchen then headed to the bedroom to get dressed for the day. Once she was out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around herself and headed into the bedroom to get dressed for the day. Chibs kept glancing over at her every so often with a soft smile. She was a feisty woman that was for sure and he loved it. After she dressed, she was brushing out her hair then put it up in a bun to keep it out of her face. He had to smile again as she turned around. He couldn't stop himself as he walked across the room to engulf her in a tight hug. It took her aback even though they had gotten affectionate in the year she'd been there. Suddenly he cupped her face in his hands and planted his lips to hers. She was too shocked to do anything but stand there and let him kiss her. She didn't even mind the goatee. A few seconds later, she began to kiss him back as she slid her arms around his waist. He finally pulled away when they needed to catch their breath.

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