Chapter 8

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She wasn't in the mood to talk more about the call from her mother so Chibs left it alone. He wasn't sure what to do to make her feel better other than leaving her alone. As they ate, he decided he'd run her a hot bubble bath after dinner and do all the cleaning up so she could relax. As she started taking her plate to the kitchen after she ate, he grabbed her arm. Raising an eyebrow at him, he told her his plans making her stare at him. It was an incredibly nice thing to do and she wasn't going to tell him no. As soon as he'd finished eating, he walked to the master bath to run her the promised hot bubble bath. She thanked him earning a smile in return before he walked back into the kitchen to start putting away the leftovers and cleaning the kitchen from dinner. She immediately stripped of all her clothes and sunk into the tub with a sigh. The more she thought about how she'd come to be Chibs' 'ol lady, the more grateful she was that he was a compassionate, understanding, decent man. Unlike what she was afraid she was going to get when she was first told about all this.

The next morning after Chibs arrived at the garage, he pulled Juice aside and asked the I/O to look into Neveah's parents for him. The Puerto Rican asked why and Chibs just stated it was personal. Juice simply nodded before darting into the clubhouse to get onto his laptop to start searching to see what he could find out about Neveah and her parents. Chibs got to working on the car he'd been busy working on the previous day. For the time being, Neveah's parents were at the back of his mind as he focused on the car he was working on. Neveah didn't have to work Sunday's either so she was lounging around the living room watching movies trying to keep herself occupied and not thinking about the fight she'd had with her mother. Around dinner time, she headed into the kitchen to figure out what to make. Grilled chicken, sweet corn, cornbread, and fried okra sounded good so she went to get out the ingredients to make dinner. Juice had been on his laptop all day researching Chibs' 'ol lady and her family to see what he could find out about them.

The Bradshaw's seemed like just a nice, quiet little family. Juice wasn't finding any nefarious connections, accusations, or any other wrong-doing. The only thing he could find was their connection to SAMBEL and what transpired for Neveah to be Chibs' 'ol lady. It was confusing to the Puerto Rican and he couldn't figure out why Chibs wanted to know about them. Not finding anything of note, he set his laptop aside to tell the medic what he had and hadn't found which wasn't much really. Chibs frowned hearing what the I/O had to say. For what reason Neveah's mother could be calling was still a mystery and it bothered him greatly. It wasn't just to check up on Neveah. If they truly cared about how she was doing, it wouldn't have taken her parents a year to call. It was highly suspicious.

Neveah had put her mother's phone call at the back of her mind as she went back to work on Monday morning. Things were going as normal all week until Thursday. She was in the middle of making dinner for her and Chibs when there came a knock at the door. It was odd as Chibs and his brothers would just walk straight in without knocking. Sighing heavily, she set her spoon down and walked to the front door. When she opened it up, she was shocked to see who was standing on her doorstep. They smiled like it was a regular occurrence to show up at her house.

"Aren't you going to ask us in?" Her mother asked.

"No. What are you doing here?" Neveah questioned.

"Why are you so hostile to us? After all we've done for you!" Her father exclaimed.

"That's not answering my question." Neveah huffed.

"We have something we want to talk with you about." Her mother stated.

"Oh? And what on Earth could that be?" Neveah narrowed her eyes at her mother.

"How would you like to come back to Ireland? We have a nice young man who is dying to make you his 'ol lady." Her mother explained.

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