Chapter 5

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The next morning, she woke up and noticed he wasn't in bed with her. When she went to use the restroom, she noted someone had recently taken a shower. She got dressed and headed to find some coffee. Sighing with relief that someone had already made a pot of coffee, she poured herself a cup then went to find a seat. She noted most of the men were no where to be seen and wondered what was going on. As she was sipping on her second cup of coffee, the chapel doors opened up and most of the bikers spewed out and found seats around the clubhouse. A tall, long haired blond wearing a beanie and black wife beater sat down with her and Chibs with a smile. She smiled back but remained quiet. Chibs introduced the pair like he had done with Tig the previous evening. He told Neveah they would be heading out shortly to take care of the threat that had put them on lockdown in the first place earning a head nod from her.

Before long, Jax was calling all the bikers to head out so they could take care of business. A few bikers remained behind like Quinn to look out for the women and children while everyone else were gone. Neveah sat quietly while she waited for breakfast to be ready. Quinn was quite curious about her as she sat there just looking around. Once breakfast had been announced, she quickly got up to stand in line. Quinn was quite curious about this woman. From what he'd been told, she just showed up a few days earlier and announced to Chibs she was his new 'ol lady. He wondered what had transpired for SAMBEL to send her to them for Chibs to have an 'ol lady? Quinn finally decided to ask her a few questions.

"So, how are you liking California so far?" Quinn asked.

"It's alright I guess. Haven't seen much of the town yet. Just home and here, really." She answered with a shrug taking him back with her accent.

"You don't sound Irish. Where are you from originally?" He inquired, even more curious about her now.

She laughed since Tig had asked the very same thing.

"A town outside of Dallas. My dad moved the family to Ireland during my Senior year in high school." She replied.

"Oh. Ok. Wow. That must've been quite the transition for you." Quinn chuckled.

"Oh it was. Everything seemed different. The school system, the healthcare, getting into medical school, how people drove." She laughed too.

"Damn. So you went to medical school? Do you have a job yet?" Quinn inquired.

"I start at St. Thomas next week. If this lockdown is lifted anyways." She shrugged.

"I'm sure Jax will lift it within the next day or two. He just wants everyone to be safe since we were threatened." Quinn told her, "Do you know much about the MC?"

"Yeah. Chibs told me a lot the other day after dinner." Neveah answered.

"Ok. Things aren't normally this dangerous around here. You just arrived at a bad time." Quinn chuckled again.

"It's ok. Something I gotta get used to I guess." She shrugged earning a head nod from the blond at her table.

"Hey baby. How are you doing during your first lockdown?" Gemma asked when she strolled over.

"Not bad. Thanks for cooking for us. You're an amazing cook." Neveah complimented her host.

"It's what I do, sweetheart. Glad to hear you're doing well. If you need anything, don't hesitate to come to me." Gemma smiled at the young woman before leaving the pair alone again.

"So let me ask you something. How did you come to be Chibs' 'ol lady?" Quinn suddenly asked.

"SAMBEL did my dad a favor and when he couldn't repay them, they bartered. In the end it was decided I'd be taken as someone's 'ol lady. All the men there already had 'ol ladies so I was sent here for Chibs." She shrugged.

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