Chapter 6

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To Neveah's relief, the following morning after breakfast Jax declared the lockdown over. She sighed before bolting to the room she was sharing with Chibs to pack up. Her 'ol man had to get back to work at the garage as did all the bikers. She asked him to take her home when she had finished packing up earning a head nod in reply with a smile. She draped the handle to her bag over her shoulder before climbing onto Chibs' bike with him. The drive didn't take long and before she knew it, they were pulling into the driveway. He walked her to the door where he opened it up for her. She thanked him as she walked in with him hot on her heels. He told her he should be getting off work as normal that day since they had no real club business to handle after the lockdown was lifted. She just nodded before walking to the laundry room to get a load going.

After he left to head back to the shop, she dug through the fridge and freeze to decide what to make them for dinner. Tacos sounded good so she took out a package of hamburger meat to thaw. She then moved to start cleaning the house even though it was already pretty clean. Chibs made it back to the shop and parked his bike before getting back to work. Having finished all her cleaning and gotten the laundry folded and put up, she stretched out on the couch to watch some TV before it was time to start on dinner. Chibs' day wasn't as relaxed as Neveah's was. He was having a hard time with the bike he was working on. Everything he tried didn't seem to work and he was getting very frustrated with it. Tig laughed when Chibs threw his wrench down in anger.

When it was time to start on dinner, Neveah headed into the kitchen. She turned on the radio so she had something to listen to as she cooked. Having the meat sizzling in a skillet, she decided to chop up a tomato even though they had salsa for the tacos. She liked having extra tomatoes. She'd bought pre-shredded cheese so she didn't have to worry about that either. As she was draining the meat to get rid of excess grease, she heard the sound of an approaching motorcycle coming up the road and figured it was Chibs. She set the table for the two of them then headed back into the kitchen to stir the meat and taco seasoning. Chibs entered the house with Tig and Quinn in tow. He walked into the kitchen to let her know they had guests for dinner as he grabbed himself and their guests a beer. She went to fetch more plates to set for their guests before moving back to the stove silently.

Once the meat was ready, she moved the skillet to the table then went to grab the saucer of diced tomatoes and bag of cheese as well as her glass of sweet tea. She called everyone to dinner as she was sitting down. She'd already moved the taco shells and tortillas to the table. The men let her make a plate first before digging in. Quinn told her how good everything smelled making her smile and thank him. The conversation was light over dinner although she remained quiet not wanting to bother the men while they were talking. She figured she'd bring up needing a car after their guests left. After dinner, the three men moved into the living room to have an after dinner smoke and finish their beers while she put up the leftovers and cleaned up from dinner. Having finished cleaning, she took her tea glass and joined the men in the living room.

Around ten pm, Tig and Quinn decided it was time to head back to the clubhouse. Quinn thanked Neveah for feeding them making her laugh and tell her it was no problem. Tig told Chibs he'd see him at work the next day. Chibs locked the door as Neveah started towards the bedroom. He shut off all the lights then made his way to the bedroom as well to get ready to go to bed. She was climbing into bed when he emerged from the bathroom in his PJ's. He got settled in bed. The next several days were spent lounging in the living room watching TV before making dinner. They'd talk after dinner then go to bed. She couldn't wait to start her new job. She'd have to get up a little early to get a shower and make breakfast for them both but that didn't bother her. She was a morning person, after all! Monday morning couldn't come soon enough for Neveah. She took a quick shower, did her make-up, left her hair down but took some hair ties with her, got dressed, then walked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and breakfast. Chibs was still asleep as she was making omelets and sausages for the pair. The good smells from the kitchen is what aroused Chibs from his slumber.

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