Chapter 3

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Once everything was done, she moved the platter of fries and the two double cheeseburgers to the table so they could eat. He once again told her how good everything smelled as he looked over their dinner. She thanked him as she dished out some fries for herself then squirted some ketchup onto her plate. She'd seasoned the hamburger patties so they had some taste to them besides simply being hamburger meat and Chibs could tell she knew how to cook when he took his first bite. The happy moans from her left made her smile. They remained quiet as they ate dinner. She cleaned up while he went to the living room with his beer after they'd finished eating. He wanted to know more about her since she was his 'ol lady. They sat on the couch again so they could talk. She sipped her tea as they chatted about everything and anything.

He was easy to talk to and he actually seemed to listen to her when she spoke. When she started yawning, he suggested they head off to bed. She quickly agreed and made her way down to their shared bedroom. He went to change, once again, in the bathroom while she changed in the bedroom. She turned down the covers and was getting settled when he emerged shirtless from the bathroom. He got settled in bed and turned off the bedside table. Each drifted off to sleep thinking about their budding relationship. He woke to the smell of coffee and something else. He went to take a quick shower while she worked on breakfast. When he emerged from the hallway fully dressed, she was just putting a platter of pancakes and sausages on the table. She went to refill her coffee cup then sat down at the table. He poured himself a cup of coffee then sat down as well. They remained silent as they ate not sure what to say to one another. Although he liked her, he was still getting used to the idea of having an 'ol lady. It was nice to have someone make him breakfast every morning and dinner at night that was for sure!

As he promised, the repossessed Lexus was towed to T-M where Chibs gave it a good looking over. He had talked to Gemma about Neveah needing a car so she could get to and from work and to run errands. The biker Matriarch agreed to sell the repossessed car to Chibs' 'ol lady at a reasonable price. It was a nice car and Gemma thought the agreed upon price was a steal for them both. Neveah would have to get it inspected and registered in her name once the title was transferred over but that shouldn't be much of a problem. He knew Gemma would help his 'ol lady with whatever errands she needed to run to get the car into her name. Once he was satisfied the car was in good working condition, he told Gemma he was done with looking at it and what all his 'ol lady needed to do. Gemma promised she'd help Neveah get her errands run for the car so she could officially take possession of it. Neveah was a bit shocked to see Gemma at her door when she knocked making Gemma smirk. They talked about the car and what all Neveah needed to do to transfer the title into her name and the other thing she needed to do before she could officially take possession of the car.

Neveah was glad to have the help in getting the car ready for herself. It took half a day to get everything done that she needed to do for the car and she was thankful it had all gotten done. Now she could take possession of the car and do what errands she needed to without having to rely on Chibs. Like grocery shopping! She thanked Gemma for taking her to run her errands who just smiled and said it had been no problem. She got the younger woman talking about herself some and found out a few things like how old she was and that she was a trauma surgeon. They made it back to T-M where Gemma handed the keys to the car over to Neveah making the younger woman thank her. She didn't bother stopping to talk to her 'ol man as she made her way over to where her new car was sitting. She had to do grocery shopping badly and went to do that first after she put her inspection sticker on the vehicle. Chibs didn't even notice when his 'ol lady had arrived or that she'd taken off because he was waist deep in a car that was giving him fits to work on.

She headed straight for the grocery store to stock up on things she knew they needed. Over ninety minutes later, she was packing her new car with all her bags of groceries before heading home to unload and put away everything she'd just bought. Her parents hadn't called her to see how she was doing and that bothered her a little bit. She figured they'd at least call to see how she was getting along with her new 'ol man! It took a few minutes to unload the car and she wished she'd waited until he'd gotten off work so he could help her but she finally got the car unloaded and everything put up. 'Now I can cook and not have to scramble to findingredients!' she thought to herself as she finished putting away the groceries. She already decided on what to make them for dinner that night and had the meat sitting in the fridge to remain cool since it was already thawed. She hoped heliked her cooking since he never really said he did only that it smelled good. 

When Chibs came home that evening, he parked next to the Lexus in his driveway and made his way inside his home. There were good smells emanating from the kitchen and he had to smile as he hung up his kutte by the door. He made his way into the kitchen to see Neveah working on dinner. Grabbing himself a beer from the fridge, he noted the fridge was full of food. He asked what was for dinner so she finally turned her attention to him.

"Chicken fried steaks, mashed potatoes and gravy, and corn on the cob with some Hawaiian sweet rolls." She replied, "Dinner should be done within the next ten minutes."

"Sounds delicious. You're a very good cook, love." He told her earning a shy smile in return.

"Thanks. I was hoping you were enjoying my cooking." She chuckled.

"Oh I have, believe me. I'm not a very good cook so I was mostly surviving on frozen foods and eating at the diner." Chibs explained making her laugh again.

"Well you don't have to worry about that now." She stated earning a grin from him.

"Can I 'elp with anything?" He inquired.

"You could set the table for me." She replied.

He nodded before moving to set the table as she'd asked. She put the steaks on a platter before bringing it and the gravy boat to the table. The rolls were still warming up as she brought the pot of mashed potatoes to the table. The corn was next before she checked on the rolls to make sure they had heated up enough without burning. Satisfied with the golden brown of the rolls, she brought them to the table then called Chibs to dinner. He complimented her on dinner making her smile at him again. He asked how her day was as he sat down. They talked about their day throughout dinner. She frowned hearing how frustrated he was at the car he was working on. As she was cleaning the kitchen up from dinner, Jax called Chibs to let him know they were having to go on lockdown. Chibs promised they'd be there ASAP. He hung up his phone and told Neveah they were going on lockdown making her raise her eyebrow at him.

He explained what a lockdown was and impressed how serious the threat was. He told her to pack a bag with several days' worth of clothes, her toiletries, her phone charger, and something to occupy her time with. She sighed but went to pack a bag. She wasn't too thrilled at the idea of being stuck at his clubhouse with a bunch of people she didn't know but had no choice in the matter. He threw some clothes into her bag when she was finished packing. He told her she would ride with him to the clubhouse making her sigh again as they left the house. She remembered what he'd told her about climbing onto the bike and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her bag was draped over her shoulder and chest so it wouldn't fall off as he zipped through town on the way to the clubhouse. She sighed again hating this but was glad she wasn't working just yet. 

Chibs parked his bike and waited for her to climb off first. She followed him through the clubhouse so he could claim them a dorm room for the duration of the lockdown. Once they'd found a key and she'd set her bag on the desk, he took the key and locked their room. She followed him back out into the clubhouse and sat down at a table with him. There were more bikers than she remembered when she'd arrived the other day and wondered how many would be staying for this lockdown. Chibs told her not to worry that people shouldn't bother her too much. He also told her he was going to have Happy tattoo her with his crow while they were on lockdown making her sigh again. She'd never been one for tattoos even though her 'ol man had plenty. He was waiting for Jax to call church so they could figure out how to deal with this threat. She just sat there looking around. There was a short blond sitting at the bar talking with a tall, long haired, beanie wearing bearded biker and laughing like nothing was the matter. Chibs promised they'd take care of this threat as quickly as possible so people could get back to their normal lives. She just nodded but remained quiet. Gemma and Tig returned from her grocery shopping for the lockdown and were bringing in the bags of groceries when Jax told the prospects to help. Both men scuttled off to do as they were told. 

A/N: Please review, vote, and add this to your library so you never miss an update!

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