Chapter 7

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It was a year of Neveah living with Chibs and doing her best to act as his 'ol lady before they ever started showing affection towards one another. They had gotten into a routine which he loved. She got up before he did to get a shower and dressed for work. Then she made them breakfast. As he was getting ready for the day, she cleaned up from breakfast. One morning he kissed her forehead to wish her a good day which took her off guard. All she could think about that whole day was of his kissing her forehead. She usually made it home before he did so she started on making dinner when she got home unless she put something in the crockpot before she left for work that morning. Quinn and Tig regularly ate at their house which amused Neveah greatly. It wasn't that she didn't like the pair. She just found it funny how they seemed to like eating at her house.

She was finally making a name for herself at the hospital and earning the respect of her fellow doctors. The club hadn't run into any trouble that called for a lockdown but she had been called to the clubhouse to help Tara and Chibs patch up a few of the bikers after a nasty brawl when they went to deal with a potential threat to the club. She did her best to patch them up without causing too much pain to her patient and wrote out a prescription for an antibiotic for each man hoping he'd get it filled. Happy was surprised to see Chibs' 'ol lady working on his brothers and not being snotty about it. She treated each man with respect and he liked that a lot. Jax was happy to see the newest family member was truly acting like an 'ol lady and helping the club like she should. When she'd first arrived a year ago, he was skeptical about how she'd hold up as an 'ol lady especially with her looking so young. So far she seemed to be doing quite well and Chibs always said they got along really well.

Sometimes Chibs called in for dinner especially if she'd had a hard day at work. Sometimes she just called in for dinner if he was going to be busy late into the night with the club. Sometimes she baked and brought goodies to the clubhouse. The bikers really seemed to enjoy her banana pudding making her smile. She liked trading recipes with Bobby and chatting about food with him. Chibs had even invited the resident baker over one night so he could find out for himself what a good cook his 'ol lady really was. Bobby was impressed with her cooking skills. She was just as good as Gemma when it came to cooking and that was saying something. The whole time she'd been in California, she still hadn't heard from either of her parents. It bothered her greatly but she refused to call them if they didn't want to hear from her. If something had happened to them, she figured she'd have been notified by at least SAMBEL.

One day her car needed a tune-up so she headed to T-M to get it done. It was a Saturday so she didn't have to work. Chibs was surprised to see his 'ol lady at the garage. She parked and got out before looking around for him. He strolled over, wiping his hands on a grease rag, and smiled at her. She told him what she needed making him nod at her. He promised he'd take care of it and instructed her to head into the office to get her paperwork done. He kissed her cheek before they parted ways. Gemma was surprised to see her in the office. Neveah sat down on the couch and explained why she was there. The biker matriarch got her paperwork going as Chibs was doing her tune-up and then checked her oil. It needed to be changed so he opted to do her oil change as well. Tig walked into the office to let Gemma know about a part he needed ordered and noticed Neveah there. He greeted her with a smile earning a smile back. Once Chibs was done with the tune-up and oil change, he walked into the office to let Gemma know what all he'd done. Neveah paid what she owed, thanked the pair and began walking to her car. Chibs followed suit and told her he should be home at his normal time that night. He kissed her cheek before she climbed into her car to head back home.

She finished up the laundry when she returned home and got it all put up in the right drawers and hung whatever needed hanging up in the right spots. Vacuuming was next after she dusted. Chibs was happy to have a woman who knew how to keep a clean house. The only time it was ever really "dirty" was when she was sick and didn't feel up to cleaning which was rare. Or if she had been called in to work a double shift at the hospital which happened several times. She did her best to keep a clean house and the laundry done. The house was smelling good since she'd put on a pot roast in the crock pot to cook and simmer all day. Chibs sent a text an hour after she left telling her Quinn, Tig, and Happy wanted to come over for dinner that night making her laugh. She replied with a simple "Ok" before turning back to her movie. Happy had never had dinner at their house and was curious since Chibs and Quinn quite often bragged about what a good cook Neveah was.

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