His kisses take my breath away,
And his touch gives it back
His words gives life new meaning,
And his heart beat makes me feel safe,
His arms hold me close as a protective shield from the world and chaos around me.
It took me forever to find him,
But now that I did,
I don't think anything can take him away from me.
There's been a lot of heart ache,
But with him,
I can forget about all of the pain,
And I can actually feel love.
It's all new to me.
But, I know I never want to lose it.
And I'd do anything to protect it.
I love him,
And not in the ways I've ever loved anyone.
Everything from this point on,
Is all I ever want.
My future may be unclear,
But with him it feels certain.
He holds me when I'm sad,
And he kisses all my fears away from me.
He can make me laugh,
Especially when everything seems so hopeless.
He's all I've ever wanted,
And yet so much more than I ever imagined.
He lets me be who I am,
And he treats me better than I've ever been treated.
He's the reason behind the light in my eyes.

Perception of an AngelWhere stories live. Discover now