02 - distraction

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Cora's POV:

My uncle is my best friend.

He's four years older than me and the one I go to for everything. And now, his life is cut short because of a drunk driver.

Well, doctors say there's a chance he may wake up. But it's slim. And I'm a pessimist. So, life is cut short.

But I still have to babysit Chloe tonight. So, my mom drops me off at their house. I go inside and meet the eyes of Karen.

"Sorry, I'm running behind. I um.. I got bad news and I'm a bit shaken up still." She smiles at me.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. Chloe! Your babysitter is here!" She walks out with her husband right behind her.

"Hi!" She says, hugging my legs.

"Hi, sweet girl! What have you been up to?"

"Nothing! Momma hasn't been home recently! So I haven't done nothin'!" I pout.

"Where do you wanna go today?"

"Mmm.. can we go to the Kitty center?"

"The adoption center? For pets?" She nods.

"And see the kitties! Wait! No! Can we go to see your kitty? Mommy doesn't like them!" I smile.

"Sure, sweet girl. Come on. Put your shoes on."

"Your house is soooo big. Not like mine," she says when we get in my car.

Chloe's house is small. She's not wrong. It's a two-bedroom and doesn't have an upstairs. But I don't mind it. I'm not one to judge someone's living situation.

"That's okay, Chloe. Money doesn't define you."

"But momma talks about how you're rich all the time!"

"I know. But that doesn't define your worth as a person sweet girl."

"I tell mommy you call me sweet girl. She says it's because you have a heart of gold." I smile. I didn't know her mother liked me.

"Mommy also tells me you have a beach house. I
wanna go to your beach house."

"How does your momma know I have a beach house, sweet girl?" She shrugs.

"She just does." I meet her eyes in the mirror. She smiles at me.

She kind of resembles Jessica. She has the facial features of her, blue eyes, but she has light brown hair like me.

Jessica has super long black hair. It's healthy, too.

"Cora?" She asks.

"Yes, sweet girl?" She chews on her bottom lip like she's afraid to say whatever it is she wants to. I glance up at her once more.

"Never mind."

"No, Chloe what is it?" I ask. She sighs and looks out the window. Her eyes fill with tears, but she holds them back. One thing about Chloe? She never cries. She is the happiest little girl I've ever met.

"Hey. Clo.." I pull over into an abandoned parking lot and get out of the car. I get in the back and sit her on my lap. She sniffles.

"I don't wanna go back to my house. I don't like it when mommy's not home."

"That's when I'm here, sweet girl. You miss her?"

"No! Karen isn't my mommy!" Her little voice breaks, and it feels like a piece of my heart just broke. Who is this girl's mother? Did Karen kidnap her? They look nothing alike. She looks like--

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