22 - OH MY GOD

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Cora's POV:

It's my birthday. And we're all at my mom's house.

There's a big birthday cake in front of me, and I'm really nervous to eat it, but I remember what my dietician said to me.

"Treating yourself with bad food regularly is necessary. If you restrict yourself all of the time, when it comes time for a supposed cheat day, you're going to binge. So, have bad food in moderation. Eat what your body wants to eat. Satisfy your cravings. That's okay!"

"Do you want a piece, baby?" My mom asks. I nod. She smiles.

"Big or little?" She asks.

"Big," I say. She grins and nods. She cuts me a slice.

"Okay! Gifts while you eat!" Leah says, handing me hers. I open it. 10 different books.

"Woah!" I say smiling.

"Those are like, all the books on your TBR. That I've heard of." I smile and hug her.

"Thank you Leah! That was a lot..."

"Yeah, I know. But I love you so it's fine!"

I open the rest of their gifts. Besides Jessie's.

"Okay, I have to go get it." She goes out to her car. Coconut gets in my lap.

"Hi baby!" I say, petting her ears. She purrs.

"You're so cute," I say. She comes back in. With a box. She puts it on the counter and starts filming.

I look at her and open the box.

A kitten. A gray American shorthair kitten.

I gasp. My eyes water.

"Jessica!" I shout, standing up.

"Jessica! Jessica it's a kitten!" I look at her grinning.

"It is!!" She says smiling.

"Jessica!" I pick her up. She purrs.

Coconut claws at my legs. I get down on her level and let her smell the kitty.

Coco starts to lick her. I smile.

"Oh!" I say smiling. Both of them purr. I pout.

"Shut up I'll cry!" I say voice breaking. I stand up and hug her. Tight.

"You got me a cat!" I say.

"I did get you a cat," she says smiling.

"You got me a cat!" I hug her again and sob into her shoulder. She holds my head.

"These are good tears! Jessie!" I sob.

"Aw, baby," she says. I pull away. She wipes my tears and smiles.

"What's her name?" She asks. I get on Chloe's level.

"Chloe, what's the kitty's name?"


"Different name," I say.

"Mmm... moon!"

"What about Luna? It means moon!" I say. She gasps.

"No! Luna's so pretty! I wanna name baby that one day!" I smile.

"Hm!" I say.

"Kitty!" She says.

"Okay. Kitty!" I say. I look at the cat and smile.

"Hi kitty!" She says, sitting on the floor with her.

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