06 - wait.

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Cora's POV:

⚠️TW⚠️ details of stabbing

-1 week later-

"Leah?! Leah!!"

-1 hour earlier-

"Okay! So, for our baby project.. we're doing things a bit differently this year. We're gonna have pairs. Assigned, you can't pick. And you're gonna go to a hotel that we paid for for a weekend."

"But that'll be next week Friday. So. Partners! Leah and Aphrodite, Charles and Jake, Cora and Jessica.." I groan. Jessica laughs.

"Fuck!" I say.

"I don't want to spend a weekend with you!" I say. She smiles.

"But we're going to now." I sigh. The bell rings, and I rush out. I bump into Leah.

"Will you fucking watch it?" I say.

"Sorry," she mumbles. I shake my head and go straight to Señora Flores's class. I walk in. She's erasing the board.

I love the atmosphere of her classroom. She has string lights around the room, and that's what mainly lights up the class.

She suffers with migraines, and says "mija, those florescent lights send me right down back to high school. Suicidal."

"Hi, mi amor!" She says.

"Señora, do you have time for a venting session?" I ask.

"Always. Tell me what's up."

"Okay. So.. Leah and I have been arguing for the past week. And it's.. it's terrible because I miss her so much. And Chloe, the girl I babysit just got out the hospital. And.." I tell her everything that's happening. At the end, she sighs.

"Okay. Amor, you need to make up with Leah. Everything is easier when you have someone in your corner. Especially someone you've known that long. Now. You and-" her wife walks in. Her face lights up when she sees her.

"Izzy! Hi, my love!" She says, hugging her.

"I hate happy couples. I hope you find out you're second cousins," I mumble. Señora smacks her lips.

"Don't be mad at me just because your rival doesn't wanna peruse a book trope with you!"

"I'm not even in love with her. I cannot stand her." She raises her eyebrows.

"Right. Because you're in love with Leah. Got it."

"No!" I say.

"But you kissed her under the stairwell."

"That was to see if I liked girls."

"Okay.. but you said Jessica got jealous."

"She did not! I didn't say that, Señora!"

"You said "she stared at me. She looked mad." Which translates to she's jealous!"

"No, it doesn't!"

"You realize your life would be easier if you stopped disagreeing with me, right? Cause I'm always right?"

"I'd divorce you in a heartbeat." Her wife laughs. Jessica comes in.

"Hey señora." She hands in the test she had to make up. Señora Flores grins, then looks over it. She looks at mine and laughs.

"Don't edge us like this," I say. She smiles.

"I can't tell you the-" Jessica grabs our papers.

"Fuck!" She says.

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