17 - admirer

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Cora's POV:

I'm pretending to be asleep when Jessica and Leah come in.

"Ugh! She's sleeping!" Leah says.

"She needs it. We stayed up last night talking." She strokes my hair on my forehead back and kisses it.

I probably blushed. But I'm "sleeping." So who cares?

"About what?" I squint my eyes. Jessie has food.

I may just pretend wake up right now so I can eat.

"Bankruptcy," she says. Leah looks at her.


"Yes. I'm telling you, Leah, she explained the difference between chapter 13 and chapter 7. Ask me any question and I'll be able to tell you!"

"Oh.. yeah I remember that! That was her hyperfixation when she was in freshman year because she took a finance class. So she was terrified she'd go into debt."

"Why? I don't know! She's weird!"

Shut up, bitch.

Is what I'd say. If I was awake. But I'm sleeping.

"She's cute. It was cute. I let her ramble. I felt like she needed to get that out."

Don't laugh. Shut up. Don't laugh.

She's so fucking funny.

"How is her talking about... bankruptcy cute."

"Because she got excited and she didn't stop talking! So I let her talk about how that works and how credit cards work and... whatnot."

"I love her to death, but I'm so glad you can be the person she goes to with her hyperfixations. Like... one time she was obsessed with this FBI agent who was also a Russian spy."

"I don't... I don't know- like-"

"Oh! Yeah I know who you're talking about. See I wanna hear about that stuff though! I wanna know what happens in her head! She can talk for hours and I wouldn't get bored."

"Baby, you're just in love. Try being her best friend."


Fuck you, Leah.

"You were in love with her, Leah! Don't forget that!"

"Yeah well I also liked you, our history teacher, and a 48 year old woman. Do you think I'm very fucking reliable when it comes to crushes?" She asks.

I pretend to wake up. Jessie smiles at me.

"Hi, my love." She kisses my forehead. Then my lips.

"Ugh! You know Maya's not here! Stop it!"

"Do people at school know I'm shot?" I ask.

"No," Jessica says.

"They think your appendix burst."

"Cool," I say nodding.
"Actually, it did! Like, when I was 7."

"Awww I remember that!" Leah says.
"I fed her chicken noodle soup!" I smile.

"She did!" I say. Jessie smiles. I open my arms.

"Did she tell you how I talked her ear off yesterday?" I ask. She gets in them. I kiss her head.

"About bankruptcy? Yeah. I'm glad I wasn't... here."

"Fuck you, bitch!" I say.

"Love you!" She says. Jessica kisses me.

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